Chapter 136

Because they were supposed to go to the urban area, the current situation was still within the expected range at the beginning, so the officer in charge of this operation did not issue an order to withdraw.

When it started to enter the urban area of ​​City S, the tanks had no way to open the way, and this situation was very wrong.According to their expected situation, at least they should have to abandon the car only after successfully entering the urban area.

When something was wrong, the officer in charge of this mission immediately issued an order for everyone to evacuate, but at this time, it was too late...

Even though they were still within the suburban area, zombies poured out from all directions like a tide in an instant.All the soldiers with supernatural powers were ready to fight immediately, but the more than 20 civilians with supernatural powers were undoubtedly panicked, including Ye Kun and the others.

Ye Kun and the others who have experienced a lot, seeing the sudden emergence of zombies, all feel that this is really too similar to the situation when the zombies surrounded the western base when they were in the western base...

When Ye Ying and Gu Shu were locked up in the room for nearly two hours, someone finally came to talk to them instead of just leaving them alone.The door of the room was opened, and four burly men came in, each with a gun in his hand.

They all looked ferocious, two of them came up and dragged Ye Ying and Gu Shu out of the room.Ye Ying and Gu Shu staggered behind them, walked out of the room, and finally realized that they were on the mountainside.

What they stayed in just now was one of the houses on the mountainside. Apart from this one, there are quite a few other houses on the mountainside.These houses include thatched houses, wooden houses, and red brick houses like the one they just had.From this point of view, their treatment is not bad.If you think about it again, this so-called small base should be on the side of the mountain that faces away from the road.

Although the mountain is not very high, the mountain road is not flat after all.Standing on the mountainside and looking down, you will find that several mountains form a depression at the foot of the mountain.

These few people seemed to want to take them from the mountainside to the col, and both Ye Ying and Gu Shu could see that there were quite a few people there.As for whether people from the entire base are there, Ye Ying and Gu Shu are not sure.However, what they are more concerned about now is how Lin Qi and Chen Mo were tied to two stakes?
The place where Lin Qi and Chen Mo were located was on a slightly higher terrain.There are quite a few people under the high platform. If you carefully distinguish it, it should be said that the outer circle is surrounded by people with guns, and the people surrounded in the middle are probably enslaved people.

As for Lin Qi and Chen Mo's expressions at this time, Ye Ying and Gu Shu couldn't see clearly.Ye Ying couldn't think of Lin Qi's expression, but it was much easier for Chen Mo, because he had a paralyzed face anyway, so it should be said that he didn't have to think about it.

It's just that this battle, this posture, is really familiar...

It seems to be, very similar to, a group of adventurers in the movie broke into an unknown place, were accidentally caught by wild men, then tied to a stake, piled up firewood under their feet, and then set fire to death?

Ye Ying and Gu Shu looked at each other almost invisible, feeling a little messy in the wind.

(End of this chapter)

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