Chapter 137

City S.

Ye Kun and the others who participated in this mission originally planned to head towards the urban area, but now they encountered a special situation. After the officer in charge of this mission gave the order to retreat, they must find a way to turn the front of the car to the urban area retreat outside.

There was no way for the vehicle to turn around, so they could only get off the vehicle at a high speed.Fortunately, every time the army goes on a mission, there will be a lot of people with space abilities to follow them to sweep things, and this time is no exception.

The officer in charge of this mission was calm and decisive. After letting everyone get out of the car, he immediately ordered three space power users to put the weapons in the space into other space powers. In the space of those who can, and then put the three cars into the space.

Although people with space abilities are members of the army, it is no problem to store weapons in it in principle, but they are first to perform tasks, and the space will store a certain amount of weapons so that it will not be full.

Because of this, it is only feasible to execute the officer's order at this time.

At the same time, the other civilian superhumans and [-] military superhumans retreated first, and the remaining military superhumans protected the three spatial superhumans while leaving everyone behind.

The zombies are approaching at a very fast speed, and everyone's movements are neither slow nor dare to slow down.

It took just over a minute for the three space powers to distribute the weapons in the space to other space powers to put the vehicle in the space.Even if it only took more than a minute, the zombies had already approached the surroundings.

The battle had already started when a large number of zombies suddenly appeared. When they were far away, the grenades and other weapons were thrown out first, and the large number of zombies were indeed eliminated.However, even so, it can only achieve the effect of a drop in the bucket.

There were too many zombies, it seemed that even the zombies in the urban area were pouring out, and it was completely unclear where the zombies in other directions came from.

They didn't even feel that there were so many zombies around them before, and now there were zombies in all directions, so they couldn't just deal with zombies in one direction, otherwise they would only be surrounded.

Ye Kun and the others were first led away by the soldiers with supernatural powers. At the same time, the zombies gradually surrounded them, so they had to retreat while fighting.Because there are zombies in all directions, in addition to choosing the direction of the way back as a breakthrough, you must resist zombies in other directions.

Most of the civilian supernatural beings in the team are not participating in missions for the first time.People like Ye Kun and the others can also be said to be experienced and cooperate with each other tacitly.

Ye Quan and Xie Wei released the fire ability in the direction of the zombies, while Ye Kun used the wind ability to increase the power of the fire ability.

Others only saw two balls of fire flying out of Ye Quan and Xie Wei's hands, then gathered together and continued to fly towards the zombies.When it was about to reach the zombies, the fireball became much bigger in an instant and the fire was very strong, burning a large area of ​​zombies at once.

Only relying on this, the zombies coming from the west to the road can be suppressed.At the moment when they saw Ye Kun, Ye Quan, and Xie Wei's coordinated action, the others seemed to have a clear division of labor.

(End of this chapter)

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