Chapter 140

Ye Ying and Gu Shu grabbed the ice skates around their necks before they could resist.They recognized what was hanging around their necks, and they also knew that their lives were being held in other people's hands, at least at this moment they didn't dare to move at all.

Seeing this sudden change, the enslaved people surrounded in the middle panicked all at once.They seem to be afraid of being affected and they don't seem to want to be dragged into it. In short, they are particularly panicked, similar to frightened birds.

However, when they were all running around screaming in a panic, the man with the gun who was standing next to him fired several shots at once, ordering them to squat in the middle with their heads in their hands.

After just a few gunshots, the people who were still in a mess no longer ran or ran away. Instead, they all obeyed their words and squatted on the place where they stood before, with their heads in their arms. They couldn't be more docile.

The sudden gunshot caused several people to come out of the house halfway up the mountain. At this time, Lin Qi and Chen Mo had already jumped off the small mound.

All the people with guns aimed their guns at Lin Qi, Chen Mo, Ye Ying and Gu Shu, and in their hands were two people who were probably not that important to each other.

"What do you want to do?" The person supported by Ye Ying with the skates was a little more panicked than the person supported by Gu Shu, and asked first, but he didn't get any answer.

Under the stalemate between the two sides, in just two or three minutes, more people came down from the mountainside.Including the three space power users before, as well as "Song Ge" that Chen Mo and Lin Qi were taken to meet before, and several other strangers.

Also at this moment when more people appeared, Chen Mo stood by Gu Shu's side, while Lin Qi stood by Ye Ying's side.Gu Shu didn't say anything, but took out two guns from the space and handed them to Chen Mo, who then handed one of the guns to Lin Qi.

They need to ensure the safety of survivors to the greatest extent, so they cannot completely ignore the safety of others.Of course, these people who benefit themselves by enslaving and abusing others don't need to worry too much.

In the last days, it is even more meaningless to keep such people than those who do not have much ability but are willing to contribute as much as possible.The number of human beings has indeed decreased sharply, but the existence of scum, no matter whether it is in a peaceful age or not, is equally abhorrent.

Brother Song obviously has a good position in the base. As soon as he appeared, many people gave way to him, letting him walk in front while others obediently followed behind him.

When this Brother Song appeared, Chen Mo and Lin Qi approached Gu Shu and Ye Ying's ears respectively, signaling to them that this person is the boss of this base.

Chen Mo and Lin Qi were not sure at first that the so-called Brother Song was the boss of the base, but they just thought that this person seemed to have a high status.

To some extent, the so-called Brother Song can easily decide whether they will stay or not, so he can basically be regarded as an indispensable existence of this base.

Later, when they didn't meet each other's requirements, it was very obvious when the so-called Brother Song gave orders to other people, carefully observed the other people's reactions, and added their temptations.

Brother Song narrowed his eyes and looked at Ye Ying, Gu Shu, Lin Qi, and Chen Mo, and then smiled, "What's the matter? Did you come here to take over my base? Or is there some other purpose?"

He circled around, then bent slightly, ready to pull up a middle-aged man who was crouching on the ground with his head in his arms.

(End of this chapter)

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