Chapter 141

When she learned that Brother Song was the boss of the base, Ye Ying secretly used her spiritual abilities.The psychic ability turned into a sharp arrow, and stabbed at Brother Song when he bent over.But Ye Ying didn't succeed, this brother Song just rolled away and dodged.

The next moment, two guns appeared in Brother Song's hand.When the gunshot rang out, Ye Ying and Gu Shu dragged the two people to hide, but they still died with a tilt of their head even though they avoided them.

Ye Ying's face changed suddenly, and the words "psychic supernatural power" flashed across her mind.

Suburbs of City S.

The zombie that Ye Kun found was just like the one that appeared when he returned from a mission before, and it was also like the one that Ye Ying dealt with when the western base was under siege. It was very fast.

It rushed out from the pile of zombies, stepped on other zombies in one jump, and jumped to the position of the three cars in another jump, rushing towards this side like an arrow from the string.

If its face hadn't rotted and it could still make expressions, Ye Kun felt that it must be a very evil and weird smile that seemed to be playing with them.

The sudden appearance of this zombie made some soldiers with supernatural abilities feel a little bit overwhelmed with serious expressions, not to mention civilian superhumans, if they weren't in the car, most of them probably would have fled regardless.

Everyone who found this zombie, especially Ye Kun, Ye Quan and others who knew how terrifying it was, immediately shot at it or threw out abilities.

However, this zombie dodged the bullet and also avoided all the abilities, because its speed was really too fast, the speed of the bullet and the abilities couldn't keep up with its speed, so it had to be dodged.The ability fell on other zombies, but it also solved a few zombies, which is not a complete waste, but the situation has not improved at all.

One second, it felt that the zombie was not approaching in the distance, and the next second, the zombie had already appeared in front of the civilian superhuman in the middle of the rear compartment of the third car.

Ye Kun, Ye Quan, Xie Chunfang, Xie Wei, Jiang Lan, Xie Lin, including Liu Susu, Xu Can, and Li Rong happened to be in this car. Most of the people in this car consciously stayed at the end. A civilian superhuman who got into the car.

This zombie seemed to have its own target. It appeared in front of everyone, but in the next second it only attacked one person, while ignoring the others.

When the others saw the zombies attacking, they immediately avoided them, so there was only one person left in the small area where the zombies attacked.This commoner superhuman seemed to be stupefied by the zombies. He didn't resist at all, as if he couldn't even move.

It was the other people who were not frightened and threw the ice ability at the zombie, which froze its two arms, and then immediately froze its two feet, so that the zombie had no claws to send this person on the road, and temporarily Lost mobility.

The zombies suddenly appeared and attacked the supernatural beings again. Some people jumped out of the car in fright.There are actually some zombies below, but the zombies above are obviously so powerful that they have no way to deal with them.

The officer in charge of this operation was also in this car, and he was one of the people who just shot and threw the power at the zombie.

(End of this chapter)

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