Chapter 142

Although there were zombies under the car, at least there were people in other cars who could temporarily cover them, so the officer took advantage of the frozen arms of the zombies and immediately issued an order, "All the people in the third car get out of the car, and the two people in front People in the car cover!"

The zombie's movements were sluggish only at the moment when it attacked the civilian with supernatural abilities. Later, even if its hands and feet were frozen, it could still move easily when others attacked its head. avoid.

Everyone was worried that the zombie would suddenly break free from the shackles of the ice, so it got off the car extremely fast.Others don't quite know what other people's abilities are, but the officer knows it very well.The target of the zombie attack, this civilian power user is a very rare healing power.

He didn't know if the so-called healing ability was so magical. This person was specially assigned to do this task later, and it seemed that he wanted to test his ability.If there was a special reason for the zombies to attack this person, then they were really unlucky this time.

The frozen zombie tilted its head to avoid the supernatural attack and the bullet as if playing, then it seized an opportunity, raised its head and roared, I don't know if it was using strength, but everyone saw it The ice layer disintegrated and shattered all of a sudden.

It was too late for the ice-type power user to block it again, and the zombie who had regained his freedom jumped out of the car again, and then rushed towards the power user just now again.

The healing power user who was too scared to move before was no longer too scared to move this time.Because the zombie's speed is too fast, and his healing ability is not attack-type, so when he tried his best to avoid the zombie's attack, he directly dragged a person from beside him to block the zombie's attack.

This person was throwing his abilities at the zombies, but he was caught off guard by someone, and he staggered and was dragged to him by this person.In such an instant, the zombies had already arrived in front of them.

The zombie waved its arms to grab this person as before, but it caught the person who was being dragged to resist the attack for that person.Only at this time did everyone see clearly that it was a little girl who was pulled over to block that person's attack.

Because the zombies are too close to these two people, if they attack regardless, there is basically no doubt that they will accidentally injure these two people. Everyone's attacks hesitated and stagnated for a moment.

But not everyone is like this. Someone with the ice ability released the ice ability again, freezing the zombie's feet and hands and blocking his actions again.Then, a man in the crowd rushed towards the zombie with a gun in one hand.

The wind ability turned into a sharp blade and pressed towards the zombie's head, and the zombie avoided it.The next moment, the person who was not too far away was already in front of the zombie.He raised the gun and pulled the trigger. The sharp blade transformed by the wind ability still forced the zombie, and then he successfully shot the bullet into the zombie's head before the zombie broke free from the ice and regained freedom of movement.

The outcome was in the blink of an eye, and this incomparably powerful zombie was eliminated.Everyone looked at the young man who killed the zombie. He was still so young at the age of 25 or six.

The officer in charge of this operation also looked at this person, because this person's identity was somewhat special, so he recognized him.If he remembered correctly, this person's name should be... Ye Kun.

(End of this chapter)

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