Chapter 143

After Ye Ying was reborn, she had encountered zombies with psychic abilities a few times, but it was the first time she had encountered other humans with psychic abilities.

She didn't think that she was the only one who had this kind of ability. After all, as long as the person with the ability didn't reveal it, there was no way for others to know about it.Just like in her previous life, she didn't even know that there were spiritual powers, but in this life she has such powers.

However, it is precisely because she has a psychic ability that she knows better than anyone how powerful this ability is.When dealing with this type of zombie, she couldn't completely suppress it easily, but relied on the fact that the zombie had no IQ, and used some small tricks to mislead the zombie.

But now the person in front of them is a living person, not a zombie, just relying on some small tricks and tricks is no longer feasible.Because the other party is also intelligent and able to think, and... no matter what he looks or what he shows, he is not stupid at all...

Compared with Ye Ying's surprise, Brother Song's surprise was far higher than hers.Just like Gu Shu's evaluation of Ye Ying before, not everyone will be as low-key as she is obviously capable, and will not get carried away at all.

Brother Song originally thought he was a dual-line supernatural power user—this is already very rare, and he has never encountered a spiritual supernatural power user. Gradually, he never thought that there would be someone with the same ability as himself. Ability.

Now a woman suddenly appeared, she was also a woman with dual-line abilities and spiritual-line abilities, which made Brother Song instinctively feel threatened and thought that among the four people, only this one was his opponent.

Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Lin Qi saw that Brother Song suddenly wanted to dodge some attack, so they realized that it was Ye Ying who made the move.The opponent was not only able to escape, but even killed the two hostages in their hands.

The bullet was intercepted by Gu Shu with the ice ability, but the two people still died in the end.From the perspective of Gu Shu and the others, this brother Song's way of attacking is very similar to Ye Ying's sometimes, and with the change of Ye Ying's face, the three keen people can see some clues.

Brother Song on the other side is also carefully analyzing the current situation.He used to think that these two men should have supernatural powers and some abilities, but these two men didn't know good from bad, and they couldn't be tamed, so they could only be destroyed.But he couldn't understand what the purpose of these four people was, so he didn't kill them directly without taking action himself.

Because he felt that he could easily deal with these people no matter what, so he asked people to drag the two women out as well.At first, he thought that there were so many brothers here, and they were only four of them, so there would be no big trouble at once, but now it seemed that he had shot himself in the foot by himself.

Brother Song had already stood up again while he was thinking. He seemed to be patted easily for fear of getting mud on his clothes, but he didn't dare to relax in the slightest.He originally thought that he had an incomparable advantage, but now, he didn't have much advantage left.

Even though there are many more brothers on his side than the number four, their abilities are relatively average. At least he estimates that they are much worse than these four... He has been paying attention to the situation here since he was on the mountainside. .The person who has both mental abilities and ice abilities must be dealt with by him.

(End of this chapter)

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