Chapter 145

Others may not have reacted, but Ye Quan, Xie Chunfang, Xie Wei and others rushed to Ye Kun's vicinity immediately.The officer in charge of this operation saw that the other covering people had forgotten to kill the zombies, so he immediately shouted angrily, reminding the others to continue covering.

The very powerful zombie has been dealt with, and the zombies that had been moving regularly disappeared all at once.Even though there were so many of them here, the zombies did not continue to surge up, which calmed down many people who were in a panic.

With the cover of the military and civilian superhumans in the other two vehicles, and the military supernatural beings below as cover, the civilian supernatural being still protected in the middle can basically be said to be in no danger at this time.

Seeing that the healing man who pulled a little girl to protect him from zombies seemed to want to sneak away, the officer in charge of this operation strode forward and grabbed the man by the back collar.

Ye Quan and the others had already got Ye Kun into the car at this time, and all the civilians who got out of the car also got into the car, but many of them immediately stayed away from the injured Ye Quan.

The name of the person with the ability to heal is Jiang Wang, and the name of the little girl he dragged to block the zombies is Xu Can.Although Xu Can was not completely rescued by Ye Kun, but at that time the person who released the ice ability to block the zombies again was Jiang Lan. It can be said that Ye Kun and his group rescued her.

Although he was pulled to block the zombies, Xu Can was not injured due to the timely rescue of others.After getting in the car, she didn't run away like some people did, but went to see Ye Kun's situation and wanted to thank Ye Kun by the way.

Li Rong and Liu Susu had been roommates with Xu Can for four years, and they had always had a good relationship. In the last half a year, they lived and died together, which made their relationship deeper.Now that Xu Can was rescued by that person, Li Rong and Liu Susu also felt very grateful, and went there with Xu Can to thank Ye Kun and the others.

Ye Kun's condition at this time is not very good, his head injury is a bit serious, and now he is... a little unconscious.Ye Quan called him several times, but did not get any response from Ye Kun.

Just as Xu Can and the others surrounded him, the officer in charge of the operation dragged the healing man into the car and dragged him directly to Ye Kun's side.

Seeing this person, Xu Can's face suddenly changed. There is no way, she was almost killed by this person just now!Li Rong and Li Susu also glared at this person, but none of them did anything.

After all, they knew that the officer who dragged Jiang Wang over was the officer in charge of this mission. He must have his purpose and reason for doing this. They don't need to make trouble at this time.

"How is Ye Kun doing now?"

When the officer asked such a sentence, Li Rong, Liu Susu and Xu Can who were close to each other heard and heard it clearly.They were stunned for a moment, then Li Rong looked at Xu Can and Liu Susu, and then at Ye Kun, Ye Quan, Xie Chunfang and other people surrounding Ye Kun...

In fact, some of them still couldn't believe it. It can even be said that their subconscious felt that it was just a coincidence.However, there was another voice driving them to guess the very unlikely situation... Could this person be Ye Ying's brother?

Just thinking of such a possibility, Li Rong, Liu Susu, and Xu Can, who had always been concerned about Ye Ying, felt excited all of a sudden.

The officer didn't pay attention to Xu Can's situation, he just dragged the supernatural being in front of Ye Kun, then put a gun on Jiang Wang's temple, and said sharply, "Treat him immediately!"

(End of this chapter)

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