Chapter 146

When Brother Song heard Gu Shu's words, a playful smile appeared on his face.However, before he could say anything, Ye Ying, Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Lin Qi had already made moves on Gu Shu's side.

Ye Ying rushed towards Brother Song directly, while the other three rushed towards the people in the bases closest to them.Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Lin Qi were all playing with guns in their hands. Obviously, those people on the other side had been pointing guns at them all the time, but they fell under their guns first.

Except Song Ge, there are ten other supernatural beings on the other side, five earth supernatural beings, three space supernatural beings, two fire supernatural beings, and one ice supernatural being.In addition to the ten supernatural beings, there were about twenty ordinary people holding guns.

Ye Ying only needs to take care of Brother Song alone, while Gu Shu and the others are responsible for the rest.It's just that their dual-line ability users have a great advantage after all.Even with a gun in one hand, they can still use supernatural powers, which is also the result of their own training.

At this time, those ordinary people mainly have guns in their hands, so they are a threat to them.After shooting, Chen Mo used his wind power to turn into a wind blade, and only cut at the wrists of these people.

They don't have abilities themselves, so they are much less sensitive to abilities than those with abilities.Those who were close were the first to encounter the wind blade released by Chen Mo.They just felt a strong wind suddenly blowing from nowhere, and then their wrists were so injured that they couldn't hold the gun at all.

If they can't hold guns, they won't be able to fight.Even if they belonged to the side of the base, none of them wanted to die, nor did they want to send themselves to death.

For these little guys, no matter which side wins in the end, they will not die, but if they don't know their own weight and rush forward, maybe they will.

Since the opponent was obviously not a character they could deal with and they were injured, they lay down on the ground and began to pretend to be dead.Even if there are still some who want to continue to rush forward, they are held back by others.

When the group of people behind rushed forward and encountered the same thing, they also withdrew from the battle like the group of people in front.Therefore, these twenty or so ordinary gunmen were easily dealt with by Chen Mo.

The rest are the ten supernatural beings.

The three space users probably belonged to the life-saving faction, and their first reaction was to hide in the space. Of course, it is also possible that they were preparing to surprise and kill Gu Shu and the others by surprise.But for Gu Shu and the others, defeating each of them should be the best choice for them.

Five earth-type supernatural beings built an earth wall in front of Gu Shu and the three of them at the same time, blocking their way.Then, when Gu Shu and the others broke through the earth wall with two fire abilities, they released fireballs that sprayed towards Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Lin Qi.

Needless to say, the tacit understanding between Gu Shu and Chen Mo, Lin Qi and them are good friends, and they are very prepared to figure out their thoughts.Although they only knew that there were three space power users in the opponent's base before, but now that the fire power power appeared, they didn't panic at all.

The three of them rushed forward at the same time. When the fireball rushed over, Chen Mo used the wind ability again, and some black-bellied people directly sent the fireball back.

Those few people didn't expect that the other party would send the fireball back directly, and the earth-type supernatural powers quickly built a wall of earth to block it, but Gu Shu and the others seized the upper hand in this way.

(End of this chapter)

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