Chapter 147

When the earth wall dissipated, the wind blade transformed by Chen Mo's wind ability, and the ice needles released by Gu Shu and Lin Qi's ice ability had already forced towards them.

When they noticed the existence of the ice needle, the two fire attribute users almost subconsciously released their ability to dissolve the ice needle, but they didn't realize that there was still Chen Mo's wind ability.In this way, although the fire attribute ability successfully resolved the ice needle, the wind blade encouraged the fireball to bite back towards them.

This time, he was unprepared, the earth-type supernatural being had no time to build an earth wall to block it, and the two fire-type supernatural beings were unable to dodge in time, and the flames burned directly on their bodies.

It's not that the other ice-type power user saved these two people, and it's not that he didn't save them.In the time he hesitated, both Lin Qi and Chen Mo had already released their fire powers, completely eliminating them.

Some of the five earth-type supernatural beings were a little flustered at this time, because Gu Shu's adaptability was much higher than theirs, and they really didn't care about life or death.Seeing the painful look of the two fire-type supernatural beings, and realizing that it is already the point of "you will die or I will live", I can only grit my teeth and continue.

Ye Ying didn't have much ease against Brother Shangsong, and it should even be said that there was pressure.This brother Song is very cunning, he uses the spiritual power to attack Ye Ying, and Ye Ying uses the spiritual power to block, and he will hide in the space at this time.

In this way, Ye Ying was forced to accurately locate his location and deal with him.In fact, by doing this, Brother Song is tantamount to sending the two of them to such a stalemate.

But Brother Song didn't want them to fall into this kind of stalemate, so his thoughts were quite obvious, and he just wanted to rely on this strategy to make Ye Ying's judgment wrong and disturb her sight.

Ye Ying didn't want to keep entangled with him, so in the end, she simply kept her psychic powers in the state of detecting the other party's movements.The spread of spiritual powers can tell whether Brother Song has used spiritual powers to attack her, or where he is hiding and when he will come out.

She gave up using the spiritual ability to attack Songge and used it as a defense, and used the ice ability as an attack and to block Songge's attack on her.

Brother Song was hiding in the space, and when he felt the same, he suddenly came out of the space.When he came out again, he held two guns in his hand, "bang—bang—" two shots in the direction of Ye Ying, and then flashed into the space again.

Ye Ying tried this fighting mode for the first time, so she couldn't successfully capture the moment Song Ge appeared and attacked him.She didn't get too close to the place where Brother Song was known by the spiritual power, but stood far away. In fact, this was a confusion she gave the other party.

The reason for doing this is that Ye Ying decided to take a gamble. Maybe Brother Song didn't know the usefulness of psychic powers. If so, she could take advantage of it.After releasing the ice-type ability to deal with the two flying bullets, Ye Ying still didn't move, just waiting for Brother Song to appear next time.

Within 5 minutes, Brother Song appeared six times in total, sometimes shooting at Ye Ying, and sometimes attacking with spiritual powers.

He also knew where to move, lest Ye Ying remember where he was.At the same time, it was revealed that he didn't know that spiritual powers could detect the location of space power users hidden in the space.

(End of this chapter)

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