Chapter 148

Ye Ying caught this information, and soon had a strategy in mind to deal with Brother Song.Every time she acted like she couldn't keep up with Brother Song's rhythm, and she almost hurt him once, but unfortunately she didn't succeed.

Before Brother Song came out of the space for the seventh time, Ye Ying used the prepared position she detected to smoothly touch over and guard the position where Brother Song was.

Ye Ying knew from Gu Shu that after hiding in the space, space power users can't only come out from the original place they entered.

Of course, it is not possible to move casually, but based on the size of the space, which is about how big the space is, and where the supernatural being can choose to come out is within this range.

Therefore, it should also be said that the location that Ye Ying detected with the spiritual power is only a relatively accurate location, which does not mean that it is the place where Brother Song will come out, but it is not far from it.

According to her moving speed, that little distance, even if it deviates, is only a matter of breathing.As long as she chooses to attack Brother Song's head at that time, it will prevent him from appearing again and immediately flash into the space again.

It can be said that there is only one opportunity that is most beneficial to Ye Ying. If she misses the other party, she will become vigilant. It is difficult to have such a good opportunity.After all, the plans she is making now are all based on things that the other party doesn't know.

After Ye Ying arrived at the position detected by the spiritual ability, she stared with bated breath, and all her attention was on Brother Song.When he sensed the mental fluctuations, he knew that Brother Song was going to come out of the space.

The ice ability created six ice needles in each of her hands, and in the next second, Brother Song came out of the space.He was still searching for Ye Ying's location in the distance, but he failed to realize that Ye Ying was only one meter away from him.By the time he reacted, the ice needle in Ye Ying's hand was already pressing towards his head.

Subconsciously, Brother Song chose to protect his head, and the spiritual ability turned into a protective cover, blocking the attack of the ice ability.However, at the same time, he also knew that he had completely failed.

The moment Brother Song finished dealing with the ice needle released by Ye Ying, the attack of Ye Ying's spiritual ability had already arrived, and he had no time to block it.

Brother Song fell down. At this moment, many people saw it, including the remaining three supernatural beings who were still carrying Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Lin Qi.There are a lot of things scattered from Songge's space, which has to be said to be very eye-catching.

It was also after they saw Brother Song fall, almost immediately, the remaining three supernatural beings threw away their armor and armor and chose to surrender, and did not continue to resist.

As for the other three spatial abilities, because Gu Shu and the others were particularly vigilant, they had already been dealt with when they emerged from the space for the first time.They don't have psychic abilities like Brother Song, so it's not very troublesome for Gu Shu and the three of them.

Two hours later, Gu Shu, Ye Ying, Chen Mo, and Lin Qi drove two helicopters and brought the survivors back to the base.Just when they arrived at the gate of the base, Ye Kun and the others also came back.

Ye Ying saw her parents, Xie Wei, Jiang Lan and others with keen eyes, and paid more attention to her brother who was lying down.

She was already very tired, but when she saw this scene, her head "buzzed", and then she rushed to her parents with a blank mind, and did not pay attention to the three college students Xu Can, Liu Susu and Li Rong. The existence of roommates.

(End of this chapter)

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