Chapter 149

Ye Kun was not that serious. Jiang Wang, a healing power user, treated him in time. Although he was in a coma when Ye Ying saw him, the situation was not that serious.Ye Ying was sure that her brother had been rescued, so she breathed a sigh of relief.

Only at this time did she have time to talk to her parents, and it was also at this time that she noticed Li Rong, Liu Susu, and Xu Can.Compared to the three of them who had already recovered, Ye Ying was a little stunned for a moment, unable to react even though she knew they were all in the northern base.

When she realized it, a smile appeared on her face naturally, and she became excited again.Ye Ying was agitated before because she was too nervous about her brother's accident, but now it's all because of seeing three roommates.

"Little Ying'er, it's great that we finally meet again." Seeing that Ye Ying was too excited to speak, Li Rong took the lead with a smile and went to hug her.She smiled and smiled, but tears appeared in her eyes again, feeling both emotional and moved in her heart.

Li Rong, who was still a little fat before the end of the world, has completely lost weight now.Thinking of Li Rong's words that she would lose weight before graduation, Ye Ying couldn't help laughing even more.Now her mood has stabilized a little bit, and she is not absolutely unfamiliar when she sees them again, so she joked directly, "Back then you vowed in front of us that you would lose weight before graduation, and you really did it, awesome!"

Li Rong was still immersed in the moving atmosphere of the reunion, but when she heard Ye Ying's words, she couldn't help but punched her on the back and let go of her, complaining dissatisfiedly, "You say that about me, you want to Is the rhythm of Youjin okay?"

Ye Ying smiled, said nothing more, and hugged Liu Susu and Xu Can to say hello, then introduced each other to her family and friends, and then entered the isolation room of the base together.

After confirming that Ye Kun was really Ye Ying's elder brother, Xu Can felt even more embarrassed. Even if Ye Kun was not killed by her, he still felt sorry.

Ye Ying understood the whole story, so she wouldn't blame Xu Can for no reason, so she comforted her, telling her not to worry about it, it was not her fault.Afterwards, we talked about the past together in the observation room, talked about our respective experiences, and took a rest.

In the evening, they came out of the isolation room and were allowed to enter the base.Ye Kun was transferred to a small hospital at the base. After leaving the observation room, Ye Ying went to the hospital with her parents, and asked Xie Wei, Jiang Lan, and Li Rong to go back to rest first.

Originally, the four of Ye Ying and the others had to send the survivors back to the base, submit a report, and complete the supplies by the way, then they had to continue to perform the mission.Now that something happened to Ye Kun, Ye Ying couldn't do the task with peace of mind for the time being, but Gu Shu and the others were considerate and decided to stay at the base for an extra half day.

Ye Kun woke up around eight or nine o'clock at night, and when he saw his sister, he felt strange and surprised.Xie Chunfang went back to make things and sent them to the hospital, Ye Quan was also persuaded to go back.As soon as her parents left, Ye Ying asked her brother, "What's the matter?"

It was also seeing Ye Kun deliberately dismissing her parents that Ye Ying came up with this guess, and she was right.Ye Kun half sat and half leaned on the bed, and nodded with a smile when he heard his sister's words.He tilted his head slightly, then stretched out a hand to Ye Ying, and a cluster of small flames burst out from Ye Kun's palm.

Ye Ying was pleasantly surprised at once, and asked Ye Kun, "Fire ability?" Ye Kun extinguished the flame in the palm of his hand, and then nodded to Ye Ying again.

(End of this chapter)

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