Chapter 150

"Today, when I was injured by that zombie and passed out, I actually still had a little consciousness. Later, I vaguely felt something. Because it feels a bit similar to the wind ability, I guessed it would be like this. I didn't expect it to be true. ...Your brother and I can be regarded as a blessing in disguise."

Seeing that her brother was still in the mood to joke, Ye Ying couldn't help but worry.Ye Kun asked Ye Ying about the mission situation, and Ye Ying only picked up some not serious ones and told him.

In the past, Ye Kun always knew that the dangers that Ye Ying experienced would not be as small as she said, and now he had almost heard what Ye Ying said, but there was no way to ignore it.

He used to know that he was not capable enough, and often showing off his ability would bring trouble to his sister.This is also something that can't be helped, who told her sister to be more powerful than herself.Even if he wanted to protect her very much, it would be empty talk if he didn't have the strength.

It should be said that it is different now... At least he is also a dual-line power user, and he has killed not a few zombies, and his strength is not so bad. Even he can kill powerful zombies.Then, to some extent, he should have caught up with his sister.

Ye Kun didn't have this idea when he found out that he had dual-line abilities, he had already had this idea when he rushed out to kill the zombie alone.If none of the zombies you encounter is powerful, it can be said that it is difficult to know where the limit of your strength is.

But after going through this incident, Ye Kun feels that his ability is enough... At least he should have reached the passing line.After he thought about the whole thing in his mind, he organized his words, and then he restrained his previous indecency and became a little more serious.

Ye Ying noticed the change in Ye Kun's mood, she was unavoidably puzzled but she just waited for him to speak, and then she heard Ye Kun say to her——

"In the past, I was not strong enough to be a brother. Many times I couldn't protect you, so I didn't stop you from doing anything, and respected your choices. No one else can understand how much you have gone through and how much pain you have in your heart. My father and I But mom understands. Now that my parents are strong enough to live independently in the apocalypse, the missions you do outside must be much more dangerous than the missions we take in the base..."

"Honestly speaking, is it easy to attract powerful zombies with the ability of the healing system? It was also the case in the western base before, including the siege of the base by zombies, and this time, there was such a healing system in the mission team." A person with supernatural powers. The zombie doesn’t care about anyone else, it just goes towards that person, even if you didn’t understand it in the past, you must be able to see it now.”

Ye Ying listened quietly, and was also thinking seriously.She probably already guessed what her brother wanted to say to her later, but she was still a little hesitant.

When making decisions that she considers important, Ye Ying only considers one criterion, that is, whether she will regret it in the future if she does so.If she feels that she will regret it, then generally speaking, no matter what others do, at least Ye Ying will not do this thing.

At this moment, she was thinking about this question, but she felt that she couldn't come up with an answer.Seeing that Ye Ying didn't veto it outright, Ye Kun seemed to be still thinking about it seriously, so he continued.

"You are with them... how should I put it, no matter how much you are willing to take care of you, it is still different. If you have a brother, you will definitely be able to take care of you better, and others will not be willing to sacrifice themselves to save you. There's absolutely nothing wrong with my brother's."

(End of this chapter)

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