Chapter 152

Just as she was about to say goodbye to Lin Qi, Ye Ying suddenly heard someone calling Xiao Ye, even if she was not sure that the other party was calling her, she couldn't help but take a look.After all, there are only her and Lin Qi downstairs, and she is the only one with the surname Ye.

Ye Ying saw two people coming out of the building, they looked like a couple, and the middle-aged woman called Ye Ying among them.Against the light, it took Ye Ying a few seconds to see the other person's face clearly, and with the title "Xiaoye", she quickly recognized who the other person was.

"Aunt Fang!" Ye Ying yelled at the other party in surprise, thinking that she didn't know what day it was, but after returning to the base, she would meet so many acquaintances.

The person named Ye Ying was the Aunt Fang that Ye Ying went to pick up Gu Shu and Chen Mo when Ye Ying met them for the first time.Because it was just a one-time relationship, Ye Ying almost forgot about Aunt Fang and Lili afterward...and didn't pay much attention to their situation.Ye Ying herself was surprised that the other party would still remember her.

After Aunt Fang and Ye Ying finished greeting each other, Lin Qi took the initiative to greet the middle-aged man standing next to Aunt Fang, calling him "Dr. Nie".For a moment, Ye Ying felt a little messy in the wind, and this world...wasn't it too small?
Generally speaking, if you look at it from the perspective of human relations, the four of Ye Ying and the others are completely in the situation of "you know me, I know her, he knows her, and he knows you, that is, we all know each other". Such a pleasant greeting.

This exchange of pleasantries didn't last long. After saying a few more words, Aunt Fang and Professor Nie said goodbye to Ye Ying and Lin Qi and left with a look of "we won't bother you anymore".

For Ye Ying, who was not very good at dealing with strangers, she was relieved to see Aunt Fang and Professor Nie go, and then she was complained by Lin Qi again.

"How do you feel that there are people who know you everywhere..."

Ye Ying: How would I know!

Lin Qi was amused by Ye Ying's expression, the corners of his mouth curled up, with an obvious upward arc.The originally resolute temperament on his body softened at this moment.

"Go up." I don't know if he was afraid that Ye Ying would argue with him, so he urged Ye Ying to go upstairs after he finished speaking.Seeing his happy face, Ye Ying remained silent.

The dull mood of quarreling with her brother before was dispelled a lot by Lin Qi's disturbance. She also secretly decided to apologize to her brother and discuss this matter.

Because of this thought, Ye Ying took the initiative to ask Lin Qi, "Does the team still need new people to join?"

Knowing that Ye Ying came out of the hospital, now she took the initiative to ask this question again, and Lin Qi, who already knew Ye Kun's performance today, immediately guessed the reason for Ye Ying's bad mood.Seeking truth from facts, he answered Ye Ying's question, "It's definitely needed. If there are more people, the task will be completed more efficiently and less dangerous."

"But you also know that if you don't have enough ability, it's useless to join in. It's just killing your life in vain, and there's no way to complete the task. That's why there are many supernatural beings, but there are really very few people who can do these tasks. The reason. If there are other civilian superhumans who are capable enough and willing to join, we will definitely welcome them.”

Ye Ying nodded, indicating that she understood.In fact, she would quarrel with her brother, not because of her brother's idea of ​​joining the army, but because of the sentence of sacrificing herself to protect her.

(End of this chapter)

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