Chapter 153

I thought Lin Qi wouldn't say anything more, but I didn't expect the other party to say again suddenly, "Your brother's ability is quite good now, not as bad as you think. After all, he is your brother, a few years older than you. Still With your parents...they'd rather protect you than be protected by you."

"How old are you? Are you in your early twenties? Why do you always take so much responsibility on yourself? In their eyes, no matter how strong you are, you are still a daughter and sister, and someone they want to protect. No matter how independent you are, how strong you are There will still be times when you need to rely on others, right?"

Even if she agreed with Lin Qi's words and felt that what he said made sense, after he finished speaking, Ye Ying looked at him seriously.

Ye Ying looked at it for a long time, until Lin Qi couldn't help raising her eyebrows, she looked deeply convinced, and then said, "Six years older is indeed very different, and he speaks logically, isn't it, Lin Qi Uncle?"

A person who is serious when he speaks, has a sly look on his face after he finishes speaking.Before Lin Qi, who was complained by Ye Ying, had time to put on a straight face, Ye Ying waved him goodbye and ran away.

After Ye Ying went back, only Xie Wei was there, and the two chatted like this until Papa Ye, Mama Ye, and Ye Kun came back.It's all right, Ye Kun was discharged from the hospital naturally.

After being enlightened by Lin Qi and a good friend, Ye Ying already had an idea in her heart, but she didn't tell her brother right away, but apologized to Ye Kun first.

Ye Kun was naturally unwilling to continue the stalemate with his sister, and the two quickly reconciled.But regarding the matter Ye Kun mentioned, Ye Ying still insisted on discussing it later.

Since his brother had that idea, Ye Ying hoped that Ye Kun could be with her, Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Lin Qi.Whether Ye Kun can join or not only needs the consent of the four of them, so Ye Ying plans to ask Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Lin Qi for their opinions first, and then give her brother the answer after the matter is confirmed. This is more accurate and basically impossible. What are the variables.

Early the next morning, Ye Ying was called away by Gu Shu. It turned out that they were assigned a new task, and the original task had to be handed over to someone else.

(End of this chapter)

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