Chapter 154

The new mission was more dangerous than the previous mission. The scouting soldiers detected a large number of zombies moving to the northeast. The zombies seemed to be heading for some special destination.The task assigned to their team was to follow the zombies moving northeast, find out where they were going, and finally bring the information back safely.

Because the scientific research institute believes that this is likely to be related to the root cause of the emergence of zombies, it is hoped that the task can be completed.It was also because the higher-ups thought that this mission was relatively dangerous, so they decided to send an extra member to their team.

In order to ensure that they would not be lost, the scouts made marks along the way, and it would be good for them to fumble along the marks when the time came.It was early in the morning when we set off, so soon the new team member was brought in to meet them.

Seeing that the so-called new team member was her brother, Ye Ying... Ye Ying didn't know what to say, or even what expression she should have.Because the above said to arrange for new team members to come, Ye Ying didn't ask Gu Shu and the others. She didn't expect that the person who came was her brother.

Ye Kun directly ignored his younger sister's expression at this time, and introduced himself to the other three politely, adding at the end, "My younger sister happens to be here too."

Knowing that he was strong enough to send Ye Kun over, Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Lin Qi had no objections.Ye Ying had already been explained last night, and she actually had no objections, but she just felt bored.

Later, I learned that the officer in charge of the mission yesterday reported the situation to his superiors, and then he talked about Ye Kun, and Ye Kun had this wish, so the superiors temporarily decided to send Ye Kunjia to their team to do the mission. Ye Ying There is absolutely nothing to say.

Time was tight, Ye Kun and Ye Ying only had time to go back and say hello to Ye's father and Ye's mother, and then left the base with Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Lin Qi.

It is basically in the north, but it can be regarded as a little geographical advantage.They followed the marks left by the scouts all the way to the north, and after the marks were broken, they groped forward by relying on the actions of the zombies that continued to gather in the large team.

In this way, the next morning, when the sun was about to rise, the five of them finally caught up with the zombie tide team.Ye Ying had seen large-scale zombies gathering together many times, but the sight before her still gave her goosebumps.

If it is said that when the zombies were besieging the city, they just felt that there was no end in sight, but now it is completely...the place where they are is the tail of the zombie army, and then they really can't see where the end is...

(End of this chapter)

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