Chapter 155

The northern base is already located in the north, and the weather has already started to turn cold as November approaches.If you continue to go northeast from the north, it will be very cold at this time, even if it is winter.

Because you have to follow the team of zombies to see where they are going, and zombies don't need to rest, but this is not the case with the five Ye Ying who followed them.

Whether it is a car or a helicopter, there are certain noises, and there are too many zombies, and they must not lose them. Therefore, in order to avoid alarming the enemy, Ye Ying and the others can only track them by walking and means of transportation.

The five people were divided into two groups, tracking and resting alternately.When you are very close, you can only rely on your feet. At night, one group rests and the other group continues to follow and sit down to mark the direction for the other group.

On the next morning, the resting group catches up with the tracking group, and then the resting group follows up to follow up, while the original tracking group begins to rest.

This is actually very tiring, very exhausting, and the rest is not regular, and I have to stay up almost the next day.It's very cold at night, and my hands and feet are cold. When I'm on the road, I often eat something to satisfy my hunger, and that's it for a meal.

Even if they could rest at night, they would not be able to sleep for a few hours in the cold weather, not to mention worrying about the situation of the other group of people, so they did not dare to sleep more.

After Ye Kun joined the team, he undoubtedly wanted to be with his younger sister Ye Ying. The five people were divided unevenly when they were divided into groups. Gu Shu and Chen Mo were in a group of two, Ye Ying, Ye Kun and Lin Qi. A set of such results is also evident.

Lin Qi's experience in living in the wild is much more than Ye Ying and Ye Kun's. Besides, Ye Kun is almost a newcomer, and Ye Ying doesn't know much, so it is impossible for them to be a team of two.

It's worth mentioning that although Ye Ying is... a small culinary expert in the dark world, her elder brother Ye Kun has good cooking skills.

None of Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Lin Qi knew how to cook. When Ye Ying joined, she thought maybe they could have a hot meal outside in the future.But after tasting what Ye Ying made once, everyone silently returned to the state of making do.

How should I put it... The things made by Ye Ying look really good. If you want to compare them, they don't look much different from the things made by Ye Kun, but the taste... Whoever eats it will know...

In Gu Shu's words - no one can imagine how something that looks so delicious can make people want to pour out the contents of their stomach as soon as they eat it. Woolen cloth?
Since Ye Kun joined, because he loves his sister so much, he would spend half an hour sleeping to make a hot meal when the rest of the group was resting.

Gu Shu and Lin Qi said that they were so moved that they were about to cry!As for Chen Mo...with a paralyzed face, you can't see his mental state...but no matter what you think, with Ye Ying's previous performance as a comparison, he should have the same idea as Gu Shulinqi.

Along the way, there are also cities...but the cities have become ruins, and there are also villages or mountains. They chased the zombies but did not see a single survivor. Like many times in the past, there will always be a whole The only thing left in the world is the feeling that these few living people are still outside.

(End of this chapter)

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