Chapter 156

After starting from the northern base, the five of them followed the zombies all the way to the southeasternmost part of Province L and entered a mountain range.This place is already very close to the border between country Z and a small neighboring country.

This mountain range covers a very large area, covering more than 20 hectares.Before that, Ye Ying and the others would almost not know how long they had been chasing zombies if they hadn't made a special record every day.After entering the mountains, the whole temperature is different from the outside again.

It was very cold, very cold, if it wasn't for the inconvenient movement, Ye Ying would have wished to wrap herself up like a bear.But also because of the cold, the zombies moved a little slower than before.In a way, that made things a little easier for them.

I don’t know how many heavy snowfalls have fallen in the mountain. The snow is half as high as half a person. Fortunately, there are zombies opening the way first, and they just need to follow behind.Also after entering the mountain area, Ye Ying and the others no longer acted separately as before, but the five of them reunited again.

The entire mountain range is very quiet. There should have been many animals, but now these animals don't know where they went, which may be related to the fact that they are still on the outer edge of the mountain range.Of course... It is also a good thing for the five of them not to encounter ferocious animals.

In fact, when Ye Ying and the others chased the zombies to this mountain range, they all felt that the secret they wanted to explore probably lay in this mountain range.

The more you go in, you will only notice that the danger index is constantly rising.They couldn't imagine how many zombies there are in it; and how many powerful zombies there are in these zombies, they couldn't imagine; they couldn't even imagine whether the zombies in it would also have three-line abilities, Even more abilities, and to what extent will they be powerful.

Because of these unimaginable things, they might not have a chance to come out after they go in... There will be no one to save them.

But so what?

In the past, I may not have had the opportunity to see the natural scenery of this mountain range, but now I can see enough, and I can't leave when I get tired of seeing it.There are canyons, waterfalls, hot springs, lakes as blue as the sky, and large grasslands covered with snow.

The plants didn't mutate, so they could find some food from the forest.It is said that there are hazel mushrooms, bilberries, bracken, vetch, hazelnuts, black fungus, mountain grapes, mountain reds, Hericium erinaceus, elm yellow mushrooms, hickory nuts, matsutake, soft date kiwi... and so on. There are many medicinal materials, including Ganoderma lucidum and ginseng.

But because of the season, they encountered or discovered very few things.It's just that when they meet each other, Gu Shu will always receive them into the space unceremoniously.

According to Gu Shu, although they might not be able to get out from here, what if they managed to get out in the end?

Probably because they all felt that the future would become more and more dangerous and difficult, but because of this, the five of them relaxed, no longer tense, and started to make trouble like traveling in mountains and rivers.

The movement of the zombies has slowed down, and the snow will leave traces of their walking. As long as there is no snow, the traces will not be covered, not to mention that they still have helicopters to use.

(End of this chapter)

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