Chapter 165

Seeing Ye Ying cooking bear meat, Lin Qi suddenly remembered the meal that Ye Ying cooked.So, as if it was a conditioned reflex, Lin Qi strode in and said to Ye Ying, "Let me come, take a break." Very, very persistent!Very very undeniable!

Ye Ying looked up at him, and said a little puzzled, "I can still do these small things."

Lin Qi had recovered his composure at this time, and then asked Ye Ying calmly, "Do you know how to roast bear meat to make it taste better?"

Ye Ying shook her head, and Lin Qi said again, "Yes, you can't, but I can." After he finished speaking, he talked about his "experience" very naturally, "I used to have field training, and I had to find things by myself. Eat, although this is the first time I have touched bear meat, I am quite good at roasting things."

Ye Ying, who believed in Lin Qi's words, was immediately convinced by his words, and she happily moved her place to Lin Qi, "Then let you cook, and I will help you."

Lin Qi smoothly sat down next to Ye Ying, and while roasting the fire, he and Ye Ying processed the bear meat for their dinner tonight. At the same time, he thought about it seriously...

Could it be that the things he makes are more delicious than those made by Ye Ying?

...It seems that there is really no such thing.

Thinking about it this way, I feel like I knew it earlier, so I might as well not have said it...

Even with such an idea, Lin Qi still bit the bullet and comforted himself silently. At most, it was as bad as Ye Ying's cooking and not as good as hers. It shouldn't be worse than this.

Lin Qi took the bear meat skewered by Ye Ying and took the fruit he found, crushed the fruit, poured the juice on the bear meat, put it on the fire and started roasting.

Both of them were very hungry, smelling the aroma of barbecue, their stomachs were rumbling.After listening to their stomachs growling for a while, both Lin Qi and Ye Ying couldn't help laughing.

After grilling a few skewers of meat, the two of them continued to grill while eating something to fill their stomachs.Although I don't know what kind of fruit that fruit is, it's really good to roast the meat with the juice like this, at least it's better than dry and tasteless meat skewers.

After eating, Ye Ying believed in Lin Qi's words even more.Lin Qi roasted the meat silently, feeling in his heart... he really felt so proud... #fact proves his cooking skills are better than yeying#
After the two of them ate something, Lin Qi spread the peeled bear skin on the ground for Ye Ying, so that she could lie down and sleep later, and he planned to rest against the wall of the cave later.

In any case, Ye Ying has to admit that whether she needs it or not is another matter, but it feels really good to be taken care of.It is always a blessing to be taken care of by someone.

Ye Ying enjoyed the care from Lin Qi, and planned to lie down and sleep for a while, and then let Lin Qi lie down again after waking up.If you don't tell Lin Qi in advance, you know he won't agree at all, but in Ye Ying's view, whether he agrees or doesn't seem to matter much...

In the quiet night, only the whistling sound of the wind was still clear. Lin Qi added some sticks to the fire, and casually handed them to Ye Ying, who was lying on the opposite side, facing the fire, who was already asleep.

(End of this chapter)

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