Chapter 166

The flames made Ye Ying's face a little red. Lin Qi remembered that when she first saw Ye Ying, she looked almost like a high school student, except for the firm will in her eyes.Compared with when he first met her, now she was almost out of shape, and she didn't feel it.

Lin Qi actually couldn't figure out who Ye Ying was... how should I put it, he just felt a little too enlightened.Although Gu Shu is also a woman, she is different from Ye Ying.

The kind of thinking that their soldiers have always accepted is to work for the country, to protect the people and defend the country, so they regard sacrifice as their destination, which is almost the feeling of seeing death as home.

Even if they have been brainwashed by this kind of thinking all the time, it is inevitable that there will be situations such as rebellion and retreat, but Ye Ying... It seems that she doesn't care at all and just wants to do this.

This is actually really strange, if you look at it in the current environment.

Lin Qi thought about it, and felt that he was really bored, and insisted on exploring the little girl's affairs.

He put away his inexplicable boring thoughts, poked the fire and prepared to close his eyes to rest, but Ye Ying, who was falling asleep on the opposite side, suddenly stretched out her feet and was about to lean into the fire, Lin Qi quickly grabbed her feet with his hands Put it back on for her.After the meeting, Ye Ying didn't move around anymore, and she was going to go back to rest. Just after she left and sat down, Ye Ying over here once again...

Lin Qi had no choice but to put her hand back down again, and tried to wake Ye Ying up to make her pay attention, but he didn't expect that she was so deep in sleep that she couldn't wake up no matter how much she shouted or shook.

Of course, if you want to use some ruthless tricks, you can definitely wake Ye Ying up, but Lin Qi doesn't think it's necessary... After all, he was really tired all day, and he was still treating him during the day...

Therefore, Lin Qi simply hugged Ye Ying's hands and feet in his arms so that she could not move around, and he sat and leaned against the cave wall to sleep peacefully.

Ye Ying, who was in a drowsy sleep, felt that she had touched something cold at first, so she shrank back and continued to sleep.Later, I felt that I was touching something warm, and I thought about moving a little farther away to avoid being burned, and then continued to sleep more comfortably.

When Ye Ying woke was dawn...

So last night she was still thinking about sleeping for a while and calling Lin Qi to lie down and sleep... She didn't do anything at all...

Ye Ying got up from the ground, and only a small flame was left in the fire.Lin Qi was not in the cave, so Ye Ying rubbed her eyes, walked out of the cave, and then happened to see Lin Qi who was looking for some plant leaves and holding a pile of snow to prepare for the golden cave.

"woke up?"

Lin Qi's natural tone eased the embarrassment that surged up in Ye Ying's heart, she nodded, and then stepped aside a little to let Lin Qi pass.

"Wash, clean up your face, and eat something." Lin Qi called Ye Ying in, and said the same thing to her again.

Ye Ying had no objection to this, so Ye Ying washed up a little, and after eating some barbecue with Lin Qi, she took the rest of the bear meat that had been frozen in the snow overnight and continued on the road.

It was sunny today, but the sun didn't feel warm at all, and it was even colder than yesterday because of the melting snow.

Lin Qi and Ye Ying were still heading south. They had no other means of transportation and could only rely on their feet. When the two of them walked to about noon, they finally saw a helicopter in the sky in the distance.

The joy of discovering other companions made the two want to run 1000 meters!

(End of this chapter)

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