Chapter 173

Lin Qi discovered this strange group of zombies at the first time, because the actions of ordinary zombies are relatively regular, and the zombies with abnormal behavior must be different from ordinary zombies and are not so easy to deal with.

He was with Gu Shu and Chen Mo, and the three quickly exchanged views. While reporting to their superiors to take precautions, they paid close attention to the behavior of these weird zombies.

Because they are all on the city wall now, the attack range is limited, and the battle has just reached its critical and intense point, so it is not suitable to rush down the city wall at this time, it is easy to be accidentally injured by the guns and abilities on your side .

When the group of zombies rushed to the city wall, the abilities thrown in the past would be resolved, and the guns and the like avoided most of them. Although they were still hit, it did not prevent them from rushing to the bottom of the city wall.

Under the city wall is actually a bit of a blind spot to attack, and the zombies in this team seem to be particularly powerful.They attacked one place, and within a few hits, they saw signs of cracks in the walls of the city.

By this time, Lin Qi, Gu Shu and Chen Mo, who had chosen to wait and see, knew that they could not take any further action.Ye Ying and Ye Kun were not with them, and it was impossible to go to them first in this chaotic time.

As a senior colonel, Lin Qi's status is not low.He immediately summoned the most powerful of a dozen or so soldiers with supernatural powers, and followed him, along with Gu Shu and Chen Mo, to deal with this small group of zombies.

Throwing three grenades near the base of the city wall blasted the dense crowd of zombies into a small open space, and Lin Qi and the others jumped directly from the city wall.After they squatted down to withstand the buffer, zombies had already besieged them, and a dozen of them immediately began to fight with the zombies.

Ordinary zombies can be easily dealt with by experienced people, so in just a moment, they approached this special group of zombies.There are soldiers with supernatural powers covering the city wall, which is convenient for Lin Qi and the others.

I thought it was a very powerful zombie, but found that apart from its strength, there was nothing more terrifying.It's just because of his strength, even if he is just barely brushed by the zombie's claws, his clothes may be torn. If he is unlucky, he may be scratched like this.

Although Lin Qi chose the more powerful among the military supernatural beings, someone was still injured while he successfully dealt with the group of zombies.

They didn't feel anything at first, but later they realized that they were accidentally caught by zombies.After being scratched, his clothes were completely torn open, and there was a bloodstain on his body, but he didn't feel it at all.

After completing the task of solving these zombies, they should return to the city wall. When they came down, they had left a rope in advance to facilitate their return.

Fortunately, the wound was not obvious, otherwise I was afraid that someone would see that someone was scratched because they were afraid to take the opportunity to cut the rope and prevent them from going back.The wounds did not affect their actions, and the two scratched people could drag the rope back to the city wall by themselves. At this time, there was no need to drag others down, and they could also deceive those who did not know on the city wall. .

"It's okay, don't be afraid, follow me, hold on!" Lin Qi lowered his voice and said to the two people behind him.

He planned to take these two people to find Ye Ying.All that is needed is Ye Ying's healing ability, and these two people can be saved.What's more, they were not seriously injured at all, so it would be a pity to sacrifice like this.

(End of this chapter)

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