Chapter 174

After all, these two people are well-trained soldiers with excellent psychological quality. At this time, there is no trace of panic on their faces, but even more determination.

In fact, they just think... If this will also turn into a zombie, then as long as they realize it, they can choose to commit suicide, and it will be too late at that time.But now, they only need to obey Lin Qi's orders.

Gu Shu and Chen Mo did not follow, but stayed to join the battle and monitor the situation.Lin Qi led the two of them through the crowd trying to find Ye Ying as soon as possible.

Ye Ying was originally concentrating on dealing with zombies with her brother, parents, and friends, but she was slapped on the shoulder unexpectedly, and almost threw her supernatural powers on the person who slapped her.

She turned around, her sharp eyes softened a lot when she saw that it was Lin Qi.Seeing that there were two other people who came with Lin Qi, she knew something was up, so Ye Ying asked what was wrong.

After seeing the wounds on the two people, Ye Ying took a look at the zombies below, and finally, because of scruples that people with healing abilities would easily attract zombies, she went down the city wall and found a secluded corner to heal the two people.

Their injuries were not serious at all, so it was easy to treat them, and soon Ye Ying returned to the city wall.Now that they have come here, there is no need for Lin Qi and the three of them to go back to the original place, after all, it is the same to kill zombies everywhere.So when they returned to the city wall, Ye Ying and Lin Qi fought together.

After being reborn for more than a year, Ye Ying did not forget how she died in her previous life, but she never thought that she would encounter such a terrifying zombie again today.

The only consolation is that her life is much more powerful than her previous life, and even if she is doomed to die, at least she won't have no room to resist like her previous life.

Just like the experience in the previous life, when the zombie tide besieged the base, a particularly powerful zombie suddenly appeared.It jumped up the city wall lightly and deftly, and approached Ye Ying.

When the zombie came over, Ye Ying jumped off the city wall to avoid her relatives and friends.You can't lead into the base, Ye Ying can only jump out of the base.

Even outside the base, being surrounded by zombies is not a suitable place to fight... Surrounded by zombies is too unfavorable for her. What Ye Ying thinks is to at least avoid the tide of zombies and go to a place where there are no zombies just work.

Therefore, after jumping off the city wall, she used the spiritual ability to protect her body with a protective cover, and then used the ice ability to spread a thin layer of ice on the top of the zombie's head at the bottom of her feet to protect her body. I was able to avoid fighting them smoothly and rush out of this wave of zombies.

Ye Kun and Lin Qi were a little slower than Ye Ying before jumping off the city wall. They both chased Ye Ying and the zombie.The zombie seemed to target only Ye Ying, and didn't care about the two of them following behind.

(End of this chapter)

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