Chapter 175

Ye Ying's speed was very fast, and the zombies were not satisfied, so Ye Kun and Lin Qi followed behind the zombies because they were a beat too slow.This kind of chasing continued until Ye Ying reached a place she was satisfied with, and then stopped suddenly, but the zombie rushed out a certain distance because of being caught off guard.

When it turned back, Ye Kun and Lin Qi also chased Ye Ying and the zombie.Needless to say, the tacit understanding between Ye Ying and Ye Kun, Lin Qi has done a lot of tasks together and the others are not stupid, so naturally they cooperated to attack the zombies at the first time.

Ye Ying's ice ability, Ye Kun's wind ability, and Lin Qi's ice ability all attacked the zombie, but the zombie only avoided Ye Ying's attack and attacked Ye Kun and Lin Qi Doesn't seem to care.Even so, Ye Kun and Lin Qi's attacks did not harm it at all.

This... Ye Ying knew what was going on.When she just rushed here, this zombie attacked her with spiritual abilities many times.It was because she had used spiritual powers to defend in advance, so the opponent failed to succeed.

After she was reborn, especially after gaining the psychic ability, she gradually understood why she couldn't resist the blow of that zombie at all.The strength is not at the same level at all, and there is no capital to fight against.

"It has spiritual abilities, be careful!"

Ye Ying reminded her elder brother Ye Kun and Lin Qi that three ice needles were shot towards the zombie's forehead, and at the same time, the spiritual power collided head-on with the zombie's spiritual power in an invisible place. .

The zombie raised its arm and blocked the three ice needles, and there were no wounds on its arm.Lin Qi and Ye Kun cooperated to release the fire and wind abilities together during this gap. With the help of the wind ability, the fire ability turned into a huge flame and rushed towards the zombie.

Reluctantly, the zombie jumped to a height of two meters lightly and neatly, and easily escaped the attacks of Lin Qi and Ye Kun.Ye Ying condensed three ice needles again, and two of them went straight to the zombie's door.It raised its arm again to block it, and the remaining one of the three ice needles condensed by Ye Ying took advantage of the chaos and rushed in front of it, and the zombie blocked it with the other arm.

Ye Kun and Lin Qi, like Ye Ying, condensed their ice-type abilities into ice needles and shot towards the zombie's head in all directions after they failed in one blow.The ice needle pushed too fast, and the zombie finally used the spiritual power to stop it. At this time, Ye Ying finally used the spiritual power to attack it.

I thought that even if I couldn't kill the zombie, I could at least hit it to some extent.But Ye Ying felt that her psychic powers could not penetrate the zombie's head at all. She looked at the zombie, and before she had time to wonder, she was shaken out by an inexplicable force.

Ye Ying was shocked by this sudden and powerful force and felt that her internal organs were about to burst, and then a fishy-sweet taste appeared in her throat.

Ye Kun and Lin Qi only saw Ye Ying fly out suddenly, and at the same time, her complexion suddenly changed and she spit out a mouthful of blood, and fell to the ground.They ran over immediately, and when they turned back, the powerful zombie had disappeared.

(End of this chapter)

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