Chapter 176

A long corridor, winding and winding with no way to see where it came from, and no end in sight.Through the transparent pure glass wall, you can see the outside scenery. All kinds of sea creatures roam freely in the water, which means that you don't know the sufferings of the world.

Sitting in front of the glass wall was a thin girl in a camouflage military uniform with loose black hair.At this time, she was probably looking at the scenery outside the glass wall, and she seemed to be fascinated by it, and she didn't move.

She didn't know how long she sat there, but she didn't recover until she heard footsteps, and turned her head to look at the person who came.When she saw clearly who was coming, the corners of her lips that were originally pursed into a straight line suddenly smiled, and turned up slightly. Such emotions did not appear to be forced.

"I thought you couldn't find me if you were so fascinated by the outside world. I didn't expect you to come back to your senses." Ye Kun smiled and said to his sister Ye Ying, and then handed her a glass of milk.

Ye Ying took the cup handed over by Ye Kun, and smiled again, "I can't be more fascinated by watching this every day, but every time I watch it, I feel... It's an indescribable feeling. The ground is full of zombies, but the sea is the same as the past." It’s no different, and you can even use seawater and various resources in the sea to generate electricity, and life in the sea is as peaceful as it was before the end of the world.”

After she finished speaking, she took a sip of milk.She has not fully recovered now, so she has to add a little more protein.

Milk is hard to come by now, and the shelf life of boxed milk is one year, and it has been more than a year since the end of the world.Even if the boxed milk produced before the end of the world is still available, it has passed the expiration date and cannot be drunk.

Fortunately, the animals have not mutated, and they will not be attacked by sea creatures in this sea, which is the luckiest thing for human beings so far.There are not a few large and ferocious creatures in the sea. If the animals mutate, the sea will be a hundred times more dangerous than the ground.

"Yes, but in the end, we still have to go back to the ground. Food and other things still have to be planted, in the sea... not yet, it's hard to feed so many people."

Ye Kun said a few more words, Ye Ying listened quietly, the two had a conversation, and after Ye Ying finished drinking the milk, Ye Kun helped her back into the room.

More than three months ago, a large rescue base in the northern country was besieged by zombies.Ye Ying still remembers how she was seriously injured and almost died like in her previous life...

Even if she came back to the next life, it seemed that some things were still inevitable, and the only thing that could resist them seemed to be her own strength.Probably because of this, she didn't really die like in her previous life.

In fact, at the time she didn't know if she would just hang up like this.It's just that at that time, when he felt an inexplicable attack, he immediately used spiritual powers to protect himself. Even so, he still lost more than half of his life, so he barely escaped.

When she woke up again, it was said that three months had passed, and she was already here.Originally, there were several major projects in the country to build submarine passages in the sea. After the end of the world, countless manpower and resources were spent to convert these submarine passages into bases for the construction of seabeds.

Looking at it this way, it is different from some things in her previous life.At least when she died in her previous life, the survivors in the base were not transferred to the base under the sea.When she died, she had stayed in the last days for more than a year.

(End of this chapter)

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