Chapter 177

Her body suffered a lot of damage, but her self-healing ability was amazing, so she was able to get out of bed and walk around a little.It's just that if you want to get well, you probably have to rest for more than half a month.

Ye Ying still remembered that when she thought she was going to die, she was very calm and calm, and she didn't feel anything at all.Compared with the regretful death in the previous life, she seems to be a little less concerned now...or it should be said that she is very obedient to the matter of life and death.

If she encounters a powerful zombie and can't escape but dies, then she will have no regrets; if she can survive, she will continue to live well.

Ye Ying felt that there was nothing wrong with this, and she could be calm enough if she had a clear conscience.

Zombies do not multiply by themselves, so humans do not need to worry about how the number of zombies will increase and they will never return to the ground when they hide in the sea.It is enough for human beings to develop a good way to eliminate zombies as soon as possible, and to develop a vaccine that can prevent corpses from changing after being bitten by zombies.

If these two problems are completely resolved, then the zombies are not to be feared at all.It's a pity that either of these two items is so difficult.Even if it is only a little bit close to completion, it is very likely that it will be stuck on this point, and it will not be able to overcome it no matter what.

These are not things that Ye Ying can help with. For her, the most urgent task is to take good care of her body.There is nothing wrong with saying that the body is the capital of revolution.

Most of the subsea bases that should exist...for example, hospitals and shops are complete, and like the various bases on the ground, it is a small society.Items in the store can be exchanged for equivalent grain or bought with gold.

For most of the fleeing people, very few people carry such things as gold.It's just that in addition to what you have, gold can also be obtained by doing tasks, or by exchanging food for the country, both of which are ways to obtain gold.

Paper money is useless long ago, and gold has always been a valuable thing.Sterling silver is also relatively valuable, but it is much inferior to gold.Therefore, gold has successfully climbed to the top, squeezing sterling silver to a corner where no one pays attention.

After Ye Ying rested for about half a month, she felt that her physical condition was almost better, so she went to report to Lin Qi.Although she suffered such a serious injury, she still belongs to Lin Qi's team.

Well, she called their small team of five people that way, entirely because others directly represented them with the most important Lin Qi, and she was used to calling them that.

During this period of time, it seems that the team did not receive any missions to go out, but instead did some other things in the base under the sea, such as training civilians with supernatural powers, military supernatural powers and so on.

They are people who use their abilities better than others, even if they hide in the bottom of the sea, it is impossible to feel safe.If one day the animals mutate, and their people are completely useless, it will really be completely over.

When Ye Ying came to report to Lin Qi, it happened that Lin Qi was leading a group of people for training.She knew that there was a gap for rest, so she sat on the steps far away and waited.

(End of this chapter)

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