Chapter 178

The place she is now is a specially set up training ground, which is completely ready for training for supernatural beings.To put it bluntly, it is actually just an open space, nothing.The sea has a large area, so as long as there are enough materials to build a large enough place, space is not a problem at all.

In the midst of boredom, Ye Ying rested her chin and looked at Lin Qi who was practicing supernatural powers.

As always, he was wearing a meticulous green military uniform. Lin Qi was originally tall and slender, so he looked the best in such a uniform.His long legs were straight and straight until they came together with almost no gap.

After watching it for a while, Ye Ying silently thought, "Such a person will definitely make a lot of female college students scream and cheer before the end of the world", then she looked away and turned to the supernatural being being trained by Lin Qi .

This group is civilians with supernatural powers, both male and female.Ye Ying still rested her chin and watched boredly, but found a familiar figure in the crowd, and then her elbow resting on her knee accidentally slipped... She almost fell down the steps...

But when he was in such a mess, Lin Qi turned his head and took a look at her!
Ye Ying: "..."

Ye Ying, whose expression was a bit messy, seemed to smile when she saw Lin Qi at this moment, but she didn't seem to, she turned her face away before she could take another look at Lin Qi.

"Okay, everyone, take a break first, and continue in 15 minutes."

After Lin Qi and the ordinary supernatural being finished talking, he was about to turn around to look for Ye Ying, but was stopped by a person.This is a 24-year-old woman, tall and slender, with a ponytail and a smooth forehead.

"Coach, I'm sorry, I still don't understand something, can you teach me a little more?" Feng Jiaru smiled and said to Lin Qi, it seemed that she was really embarrassed.

Lin Qi was silent for a while—in fact, he was thinking whether the church would delay his meeting with Ye Ying, and then he said, "What's the problem?"

Feng Jiaru and Lin Qi talked about their doubts, but Lin Qi nodded and said, "This place may not be easy to understand. I will explain it in detail later, and I won't explain it to you separately for the time being."

After Lin Qi said that, Feng Jiaru naturally didn't want to pester her anymore, so she nodded politely, but her eyes slipped across Ye Ying's body in the distance.

For a person like Lin Qi who has a keen mind and strong observation ability, such invisible eyes can also see clearly, and he has some thoughts in his heart.

"Is your body well?"

Seeing Lin Qi approaching, Ye Ying, who was originally sitting, stood up, and then heard Lin Qi's caring words.

"Well, it's about the same... It's completely healed." Ye Ying said this, and then said, "I feel that I'm almost better, so I came here to report to you."

"Anyway, there aren't any important tasks recently. It doesn't matter if you can rest for two more days. But since you came to report, I will accept it. It's just that there are no tasks that can be assigned to you, but if you want, you can talk to Let me train supernatural users together. You have a lot of experience, and if you can teach them, it will definitely be very helpful to them."

Ye Ying smiled, "Even if I want to teach, some people may not be convinced after seeing me like this, and I will have to cause more trouble."

"Why... is there someone I know here? The one who was talking to me just now? She just gave you a special look, as if she knew you. "

"Well... I guess I know her, my brother's ex-girlfriend." Ye Ying looked up at Lin Qi and said this.

Lin Qi: "..."

(End of this chapter)

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