Chapter 179

"It's really fate." Unexpectedly, because of this understanding, Lin Qi had no choice but to complain after being silent.

Ye Ying smiled, but did not answer.Even if she felt that the fate was really strong, it could still be said that it was just a bad fate.

In the northern base, Professor Sun called her to the scientific research room to ask them for something, but Ye Ying didn't know exactly what it was.

So many months have passed, and I don't know if it has been completed.Ye Ying asked her brother Ye Kun, but Ye Kun didn't know.

She couldn't tell what it was, but somehow she remembered this when she saw Lin Qi.It's just that after the matter went around in my mind, I didn't ask it out.

"Speaking of which, I haven't thanked you properly. When I was in the northern base, you also risked to follow me out. I don't know how to repay this kindness. I don't have the willingness to make a promise with my body. I have to ask Colonel Lin Qi to show me the honor." Have a meal."

Ye Ying said these words in a half-joking tone, so that neither Lin Qi nor she would be embarrassed.Although I said it half-jokingly, I really want to thank you.

Anyone with a discerning eye could tell how powerful that zombie was at that time.Even though he knew how much danger he was going to take, and might even die because of it, Lin Qi was still willing to save her, just this kind of thought is hard to come by.

Lin Qi only raised his eyebrows when he heard Ye Ying's words, and said half-jokingly, "If it's my aunt who cooks, I'll go, if it's you... I accept this intention, and I can skip the meal."

Even though Lin Qi blatantly complained about her cooking skills, Ye Ying still smiled with a good temper, agreed, made an appointment with him and said that she would bring Gu Shu and Chen Mo together.After finishing talking with Lin Qi, Ye Ying left without further delaying Lin Qi's training.

When Feng Jiaru saw Ye Ying and Lin Qi chatting and laughing among a group of civilians with supernatural powers, she found it very dazzling for no reason.When she was dating Ye Kun, she vaguely felt that Ye Ying didn't seem to like her very much. Although Ye Ying didn't show it too obviously, that feeling was quite obvious.

When she ran to ask Ye Kun for help, Ye Ying didn't like the way she looked at her, even if she just passed by casually, she almost didn't look directly at her.

When these thoughts came out of her heart, Feng Jiaru felt that she was mentally distorted.But seeing Ye Ying and people with identities like Lin Qi have such a good relationship, and seeing Ye Ying looking very good, she just felt uncomfortable and couldn't control her thoughts.

She struggled in the apocalypse, and finally found the national base, and it was only then that she settled down a little bit.But she only has spatial abilities, and her attack power is really not very high. She often needs to form a team with others and borrow their strength to avoid disasters from zombies, and sometimes she will be betrayed by her teammates.

I can't remember how many times I escaped from the dead, and she has not been doing very well.Or it should be said that since the end of the world, she has been getting worse and worse.Her parents turned into zombies, no one in her family cared about her, she couldn't find any friends, and even her boyfriend left him and ran for his life.

She went to Ye Kun for help, but ran away by herself.She didn't understand whether Ye Kun had supernatural abilities at the time, but now it is an indisputable fact that he is a dual-line superhuman.If she had known this would happen, she would rely on the Ye family no matter what, so she would definitely be able to live a much easier life in the last days.

(End of this chapter)

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