Chapter 183

Although Ye Ying looks very polite and humble, she can't hide the sharp and sharp temperament on her body, which can be seen at a glance.This is also the effect Ye Ying hopes to have. She can be easy to talk, but she will never be easy to bully.

Probably these people saw that Ye Ying didn't look like a person without two skills, and they all signed up to learn something by themselves.In short, these ordinary people with supernatural powers are quite safe, and they have not shown any dissatisfaction or made troubles, so Ye Ying's leadership is still smooth.

She taught very seriously. From her own experience, she felt that others could use it, so she said it step by step, and she didn't seem to be in a hurry.The people below also listened carefully, and none of them came here to fool around.

It was estimated that almost three hours had passed, and Ye Ying asked these people to rest for a while before thinking about it, while she went to the side and sat on the steps to drink some water and rest.

Here Lin Qi heard that Ye Ying was taking a break, so after he finished what he was talking about, he asked everyone to rest for a while, and leaned over to sit on the steps with Ye Ying.

"How do you feel?" Lin Qi tried to make his tone sound normal, lest Ye Ying feel his special enthusiasm.

Seeing that it was Lin Qi sitting over, Ye Ying made room for him and moved a little to the side.Lin Qi looked at the distance between the two, but there was nothing on his face, what in his heart...

Hehe, don't go, I really don't blame Shushu.

"It's okay, I thought someone would be dissatisfied with me, but I didn't expect it to be quite safe, and it would be much easier if no one made trouble." Ye Ying didn't know what Lin Qi was complaining in her heart, and just answered his question.

At this time, several people walked over, and they came out of the ordinary people with supernatural powers brought by Ye Ying.There are three people in total, all of whom look like young people. They may have experienced a long time in the last days. These people are full of maturity.

"Hello, Instructor Ye, I didn't expect you to be fine, and I didn't expect it to be like this when we meet again." Jiang Lin didn't wear glasses like when Ye Ying first saw him, but he was still tall and thin.

In fact, Ye Ying didn't recognize them all at once, she even felt... How could these people recognize her so easily?
Of course, Ye Ying herself doesn't know very well, it's hard not to be impressed by her demeanor, and by the way, she is remembered as a person.

Especially the more you experience being framed by others, or the more you see the dark side of some people, the easier it is to remember that you have met such a person who can be said to have good intentions.

These three people are Ye Ying who first went from the imperial capital to N City to find Xie Wei, but only saw three of the seven strange youths in the commercial housing.Jiang Lin and Li Wei were among the three, and the remaining one was named Liu Ming. As for the other four, they all died in the process of fleeing.

Ye Ying didn't recognize them, and a puzzled look appeared in her eyes unconsciously.The three of them didn't recognize Ye Ying at a glance. It was only after hearing her tone of voice, carefully identifying her appearance, and combining with what she taught, that they dared to confirm that this person was the same as the original one. Come and say hello.

(End of this chapter)

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