Chapter 184

"We met in N City, when you were going to find your friend... Later you were bitten by a zombie, and we thought you were sure... Unexpectedly, it's great to see you again."

Jiang Lin explained why they knew Ye Ying. With so many hints, Ye Ying naturally remembered what happened, not to mention that Xie Wei was more or less involved in this matter.

"So it was you, I didn't recognize it for a while." Ye Ying smiled and greeted, "Well, I was very lucky that time, and I escaped in the end."

Jiang Lin and Ye Ying spoke a few more words, Ye Ying replied politely one by one, and they left.Ye Ying is actually not good at dealing with strangers, and this has not changed since before the end of the world.Although these people have met before, they don't know anything about them. To her, they are no different from strangers.

After Ye Ying finished talking with Jiang Lin and the others, she turned her head and saw Lin Qi looking at her.

He looked a little strange, as if helpless and funny, Ye Ying didn't understand what his expression meant, and then she heard Lin Qi complaining, "There are really many people who know you."

...What is it that sounds a little sour?

Ye Ying: "Hehe."

On the whole, the first day passed smoothly. After completing the day's training, Ye Ying returned to her residence, and everyone else came back at this time.

As soon as Xie Wei saw Ye Ying, he wanted to drag her into the room with a gossipy face.Seeing Xie Wei like this, Ye Ying didn't know what happened to make her so curious, so she let Xie Wei follow her into the room.

"When I came back today, I happened to bump into your brother on the road, so we came back together. Guess what?" Xie Wei looked at Ye Ying with a wicked smile, looking eager to share with her.

Ye Ying asked her cooperatively, "What happened afterwards?"

"Didn't you tell me before that your brother has an ex-girlfriend, the one who cheated on you? Didn't you say you saw her two days ago?" Ye Ying asked Xie Wei and immediately talked to her, " I happened to bump into her when I came back with your brother."

"I used to think that she was just a bit weird and shameless. I never thought that she was not only a little bit shameless, but also possessed the talent of princess disease and white lotus."

As soon as Ye Ying heard that she had a relationship with Feng Jiaru, she knew that nothing good would happen. When she heard Xie Wei say that Feng Jiaru was pestering her brother to question who Xie Wei was...

This is sour...


This feeling is almost the same as being struck by lightning.

After Ye Ying heard Xie Wei relay Feng Jiaru's words affectionately with her in a tone of "this is so weird", Ye Ying felt that she had been shocked.

"What did my brother say?" Ye Ying felt that she didn't want to know what Feng Jiaru did at all, she just wanted to care about what her brother did.

When Xie Wei heard her ask this, she immediately became proud, "She cried and questioned for a long time, and your brother just said, 'Please make way, get in the way', her unbelievable expression! Ouch, I'm so happy!"

Ye Ying made up the scene by herself, and couldn't help laughing.She really didn't understand what Feng Jiaru was thinking. Since she cheated on her, why did she have an attitude of "even if I don't want you, you can't have others", she was really in a hurry to find someone to talk to!
But looking at it from another angle... At the beginning of the cheating, she seemed to think that her brother was not only not rich enough, but also not obedient and considerate enough to her. Now seeing that her brother is strong and doing well, she wants to turn around You might even try to catch it.

It's just that, no matter which one it is, it's annoying enough.

(End of this chapter)

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