Chapter 192

Ye Ying and Lin Qi were sitting on the same side, so she also rolled down the window next to her.They can't see any houses where they are now, and it was originally a relatively deserted place.The two undeveloped lands on both sides of the road are now flooded with weeds.

Most of the standing weeds are 1.3 meters to 1.6 meters high, and the places where the weeds are particularly tall can even completely submerge Yeying, which is only [-] meters.Although there are many weeds, the situation mentioned by Lin Qi can be seen at a glance.

In a whole field of weeds, there is one place that is quite flat, and the tall weeds are all overwhelmed.At the same time, there is also a very wide weed road stepped on in the weed field.

In that abrupt and distinctive flat area, rotten mutated animals that could be vaguely identified as cows from their tails and horns were attacking more than a dozen zombies.

As for whether the mutated animal is actively attacking the zombie, or whether the zombie is actively attacking the mutated animal, that is something that Ye Ying and the others have no way of confirming for the time being.

But I have to say that this is equivalent to verifying Chen Mo's words, mutant animals and zombies kill each other, but the specific situation needs to be seen.

Mutated animals will attack zombies, but it doesn't mean they won't attack humans.If mutated animals can attack humans, then they will also be attacked while staying at the submarine base.If the submarine base can't resist, returning to the ground will face the dual threats of zombies and mutated animals.

More than a dozen zombies turned out to be supernatural zombies, and all of them were fire-type supernatural zombies. More than a dozen of them kept avoiding the attack of the mutated animal while spraying fireballs at it.

This mutated animal was attacked by the zombie's supernatural power, and kept roaring.The roaring sound is deeper than the cow's cry, which sounds very uncomfortable.The disgusting viscous liquid was continuously flowing down from its body. Just looking at it, I felt that it must be particularly smelly.

Under the combined attack of the zombies, one side of its body changed from being wrapped in rotten flesh to revealing white bones.The bones were covered with rotten flesh and disgusting liquid, which was flowing down one by one.

The mutated animal flung itself around, the agility of its movements obviously didn't match the fatness of its body.A few zombies couldn't dodge in time, they were thrown far away and fell to the ground. Not only that, they couldn't get up again.

Ye Ying and the others watched such a scene from a distance, and it was a lie to say that they were not shocked at all.For most human supernatural beings, when dealing with zombies with supernatural abilities, the success rate of killing zombies without injury is about 60.00%.

Such a mutated animal can kill several zombies at once with just one swinging movement. How can it not be shocking?What's more, maybe they will have to deal with such things that are much more powerful than zombies in the future, just thinking about it makes people's scalp tingle.

(End of this chapter)

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