Chapter 193

The remaining zombies turned a blind eye to the scene of the other zombies being thrown out, and just continued to attack the mutant animal.This kind of behavior is more likely to be that they are accepting some task, such as killing this mutant animal, and they either complete the task or be killed.

Two more fireballs hit the mutated animal's body. It didn't burn because of the fireballs, but it must have been hurt, otherwise it wouldn't have reacted so violently.

From this point of view, the situation of mutated animals is a bit different from that of zombies.Obviously, zombies can't feel pain at all.

This mutated animal once again threw out the three zombies with a single swing, but it also crashed to the ground when it was under the attack of the next group of zombies, without moving at all.

The mutant animal died.

"Just now, did you see clearly?" Lin Qi asked the other four people after quietly watching the whole battle.Ye Ying, Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Ye Kun all nodded, and Lin Qi said, "It's also the head."

Before the mutated animal fell to the ground, two fireballs from the remaining zombies inadvertently hit the head of the mutated animal, and then the mutated animal fell to the ground.

The others nodded again, and Ye Ying glanced outside again, "The zombie is gone." The zombies that had been entrenched around the mutated animal all left at once.

Everyone looked at the situation over there, and when there was no more movement, Lin Qi rolled up the window, and Ye Ying followed suit.

"Want to go and have a look?"

Seeing that Lin Qi seemed to have such a meaning, Gu Shu asked him before he could speak.

"Go and see, such a good opportunity... That mutated animal is very powerful. We really know too little about mutated animals now."

Lin Qi was right.They know too little about the mutated animals now, if they don't find out the situation as soon as possible, and the mutated animals are so powerful, then they might lose their lives.

The other four people had no objections, and quickly got out of the car together. Gu Shu put the car into the space, equipped everyone with guns and weapons, and then walked together to the place where the mutated animal was lying.

When you get closer, you can see that the disgusting sticky gray liquid from the mutant animal is more or less stained on the fallen or half-fallen weeds. It can be seen that this mutant animal should have stepped on such a path .

The mutated animal lay motionless, and after confirming that it was completely dead and would never jump up suddenly, Lin Qi and the others began to study this mutated animal.

It is basically certain that its original body was a cow, and this one is a mutant cow.

Its whole body is in a state of decay, much worse than that of zombies.Its eyes are still good, which means it can see things.Its teeth don't look sharp and show no signs of mutation.Only the tail is not rotted all over the body... Although this is probably not very important...

They also took a closer look at the brains of the zombies killed by the mutated cow in the distance, all of them died of brain burst.The mutated cow didn't hit the heads of these zombies directly, which made it even more powerful to see how powerful it was.

If any of them bears such a blow, it is estimated that their internal organs will be vomited out.

Just when Ye Ying and the others were about to leave after studying the zombies and mutant cows, there was a muffled sound resembling a heavy object stepping on the ground from far and near, but at a high speed. At the same time, there was also a sound similar to this one. The roar of the mutated cow just now.

Ye Ying and the five of them tensed up immediately.

(End of this chapter)

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