Chapter 194

Just like the mutated cow they had been watching before, the one who rushed over this time was also a mutated cow.Just the momentum of running around, if it is exaggerated, it feels like a thousand troops are coming.

Even though this mutated cow is very fast, for the five of them, Ye Ying and the others, there are still two options: flee immediately or face the battle.After all, there are five of them, and there is only one mutant cow, right?It is still very easy to just escape.

Ye Ying and the others chose the latter...

Everyone entered the state of fighting for a moment.

Such mutated animals do not know how many there are, and they will only become more and more powerful.Since this is the case, isn't it better to strike first while the opponent is not strong enough to resist at all?
They all had the same idea, this kind of thing must be done as early as possible, so they tacitly chose to fight instead of running away immediately... If you run now, there will always be times when you can't run...

The mutated cow quickly stepped on the weeds and rushed over, it kept roaring "moo".

It was different from the dead mutated cow before. Its skin only looked gray and chapped, but it showed no sign of decay, and its body didn't flow any disgusting liquid.

When he noticed Ye Ying and the five of them, he rushed towards them.

Ye Ying and the others have noticed this difference, and these differences need to be verified in the next battle.

According to their previous research on the mutant cow killed by zombies, the mutant cow should have eyesight.The mutated cow they saw now had the same eyes as before the mutation.

Eyes are inherently fragile, whether it is a human, an animal, a zombie or a mutant animal... In order to verify the vision of the mutant cow, Ye Ying and the others first chose to attack the eyes of the mutant cow.

Ye Ying, Lin Qi, and Gu Shu, who had ice abilities, were the first to use their ice abilities to transform into two ice needles, and all shot towards the mutant cow's eyes.

Chen Mo and Ye Kun used the wind ability to attack the mutated cow, and protected Ye Ying and the three of them by the way.The wind knife cut on the mutant cow, leaving only a scratch-like thing, and did not cause substantial damage to the mutant cow.

Seeing that the previous strength was not enough, Chen Mo and Ye Kun used the wind power again and threw it at the mutant cow.This time, several openings were successfully cut on the mutated cow, and then a disgusting and stinky liquid flowed out of those openings.

This is the same as the mutant cow that died before...

When they saw the zombies fighting with the mutated cow, they didn't know how long the previous battle lasted.But it was obvious that those zombies had been attacking the mutant cow.

Now they have also noticed a phenomenon, that is, the degree of destruction of the new mutant cow's counterattack movements is far less scary and terrifying than what they saw before.

Is it related to the degree of mutation, or is it related to the degree of damage?

While they were having such doubts in their hearts, Ye Ying and the three of them successfully hit the mutated cow's eyes with their ice needles.The eye injury caused the mutated cow to roar, and then the mutated cow swung its body even more vigorously to attack Ye Ying and the others.

(End of this chapter)

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