Chapter 195

However, after successfully injuring the mutated cow's eyes, Ye Ying and the others retreated to a place a little further away, out of the range of the mutated cow's attack, and continued to attack in no hurry.

Obviously, this mutated cow that has lost its eyesight is completely unaware that the person it wants to attack is no longer near it, but is still attacking its surroundings angrily.

Seeing this situation, Ye Ying and the others noticed the ears of the mutated cow, so they deliberately spoke in the distance to make a sound, and at the same time discussed the current discovery.

"The eye sees and sees us."

"Probably won't work with the nose, otherwise we'd be able to find out where we are by smell."

"This is different from zombies. Zombies have a more sensitive sense of smell than ordinary people."

"It doesn't even notice what we're talking about here, and probably doesn't even use its ears."

Ye Kun heard that they had finished what they had to say, so he had no choice but to conclude silently, "Except for the eyes, all the five sense organs are equivalent to being discarded."

Ye Ying glanced at her brother with a smile, and said, "The attack power is obviously not as strong as the one just now."

Lin Qi glanced at Ye Ying, looked away, and said to the other four, "Try to attack its body first, and see if its attack power is related to the degree of decay of its body."

The others nodded, and then rushed towards the mutated cow again.

This time it was a joint attack by five people, and the mutant cow didn't feel anyone approaching at all, and it didn't seem to notice until his body was injured again.But it's very strange to say that, the skin and flesh have completely changed, and there are no such things as nerves and meridians. How does it rely on to sense pain?If it is a zombie, they don't know pain and pain at all.

When Ye Ying was going to form a group with Lin Qi, Gu Shu and Chen Mo last year, they discussed the matter of animal mutation in Lin Qi's office.At that time, Ye Ying really thought that the possibility of animals mutating was unlikely.

At this point, she really wanted to go wrong.

However, she was right about one thing - the mutations of animals and humans are not the same.This point can be said to be completely confirmed today.

The mutated cow didn't become much stronger because of the injury, at least not as much as the other mutated cow that died.In addition, the sight of the mutated cow was taken away from the beginning, so Ye Ying and the others didn't have to take too much effort to deal with the mutated cow.

After successfully solving this mutant cow, Ye Ying and the others also got some basic information from this mutant cow.After that, they didn't stay here any longer, and started driving again.

Originally, at this time, some people were supposed to be sent to the ground to grow food, but because of the sudden mutation of animals, this matter was put on hold for the time being.

Along the way, Ye Ying and the others encountered many mutant animals with different abilities and degrees of mutation.

What is basically certain is that when animals mutate, they only retain their eyesight but lose their sense of smell and hearing. At the same time, their attack power is related to their degree of mutation.This degree of variation is directly reflected in the degree of decay of their bodies.

The more decayed, the stronger the animal's attack power; the lower the decay, the weaker the animal's attack power.

(End of this chapter)

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