Chapter 196

If it is a mutant animal with weak attack power, after their eyesight is taken away, they basically can only be slaughtered.If it is a mutant animal with strong attack power, even if they lose their eyesight, if they are not careful, they may still be injured.

Because even if it is just the gust of wind that they drive when they attack, it is full of attack power.

The base at the bottom of the sea has set up wireless sensors everywhere to collect data on the ground. They happened to come across one of the wireless sensors on the road, and Lin Qi directly stored the information obtained through the equipment brought out of the base. inside the chip.

They will not return to the base for the time being, and there is no way to communicate directly, and the base will send someone to pick up the chip at least once in two days, so that the information can be brought back to the base earlier.

It was another day of running around, and when night fell, they parked the car on the side of the road, planning to take a rest for the night, and continue on the road tomorrow.The moonlight was very bright that night, the moon was also very round, and twinkling stars could be seen in the distance, the night was good.

After they stopped the car, Gu Shu took out the equipment and materials from the space.Ye Kun, the only one who could cook, consciously prepared dinner. After the five of them ate together, they went to work and went to bed separately.

Because there was no way to have a good rest before, Lin Qi, Ye Kun and Chen Mo modified three cars together when they were recuperating in the submarine base.

The iron canopy beds with bunk beds were put in the three cars, Ye Ying and Gu Shu shared the bunk beds, and the other three people shared the iron canopy beds.Because there are always people who are on duty and cannot rest at night, and there is always at least one of Lin Qi, Chen Mo and Ye Kun who cannot sleep...

The upper and lower bunks of the bed where Ye Ying and Gu Shu slept were specially covered with cloth curtains, which surrounded the whole bunk, so that the inside could not be seen from the outside, so the other three men did not have to worry about what they would see. Things that shouldn't be seen...

Although it is on duty, it is also relatively casual, mainly because it is afraid of accidents, and some people look at it to prevent problems before they happen.

That night, Ye Ying, Lin Qi, and Ye Kun were on duty.According to the arrangement, it is actually Ye Ying and Lin Qi, but Ye Kun said that he is not sleepy at all, he does not want to sleep, and wants to be with his sister, Lin Qi, or you can go to rest!
Lin Qi: "..." I also want to accompany your sister!
Lin Qi, who was sent away to sleep, said that he didn't feel sleepy either, and it didn't matter that he was on duty.

Ye Ying, who was listening to her brother and Lin Qi saying that she was not sleepy, but she was sleepy, couldn't help but said, "Since you are not sleepy, why don't you be on duty and I go to bed? Next time I will change with one of you." class?"

Ye Kun readily agreed, "Sister, go to bed!" No objection at all!

Lin Qi: "..." What happened to being sleepy all of a sudden?

In the end, Lin Qi and Ye Ying were on duty together, but Lin Qi and Ye Kun were on duty together.The two of them, one sitting in the driver's seat and the other sitting in the passenger seat, kept relatively silent so as not to disturb others' rest.

This kind of silence lasted until the end of the first half of the night, when Lin Qi and Ye Kun heard a whirring sound, as if something was flying by.Not sure if it was a bird or something else.When Lin Qi and Ye Kun were about to get out of the car to have a look, they felt something fall on the roof of the car.

After that, these bird-like things that landed on the roof vigorously pecked at the roof, and the sound of "Tuk Tuk Tuk" was very loud!

(End of this chapter)

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