Chapter 2

"No, no, let me be as thin as a lightning bolt, nothing else is interesting." The other roommates are all thin, only she is fat, so Li Rong clamors to lose weight every time.

When the others were teasing, Ye Ying didn't have the heart to be with them, or it should be said that she couldn't calm down at all.

NO.15, a meteor shower at night, without any zombies, this is 2015, and the whole country Z is still in peace and happiness.But after tonight, everything will be turned upside down.

Ye Ying finally accepted the fact that she was reborn. She touched her trouser pocket and found that she was carrying a mobile phone with her, so she quickly took it out.

Glancing at the time, it was 17:38, May 5th, Friday. Ye Ying put away her phone and took another deep breath to calm herself down completely.

It's summer now, the days are relatively long, and it won't be night until after seven o'clock.There will be no problem until the sun rises the next day, she still has time.

Ye Ying calmed down and said to her three roommates, "Rongrong, Susu, Cancan, let's go back to the dormitory now, I have something very important to tell you."

Li Rong and the others saw Ye Ying's serious expression, which was completely different from her usual joking and always smiling face, so they unconsciously took her words seriously.

The four people in their dormitory have a very good relationship and trust each other. Ye Ying said that there was something important, but they didn't think it was nonsense.

After the four returned to the dormitory, Ye Ying locked the dormitory door to prevent people from other dormitories from entering suddenly.Ye Ying stood and the others found stools and sat down.

Li Rong: "Little Yinger, what's the matter?"

"What I'm going to say later may be unbelievable and unacceptable to you, but I hope you believe that I'm not joking. Time is tight, and I don't have much time to explain. I will only pick the most important things to tell you."

The three of Li Rong nodded their heads thoughtfully.

After Ye Ying sorted out her words, she said to the three of them, "Starting tomorrow, the whole earth will enter the end times..." Ye Yingyue said, Li Rong and the others opened their mouths in surprise, and there was no possibility of them closing their mouths.

After spending 5 minutes explaining the situation and the points to pay attention to, Ye Ying took a long breath, "I'm going to book a plane ticket to go home now. I remember that a plane to my home city took off at around ten o'clock in the evening."

Ye Ying had already turned on her computer while talking with Li Rong and the others, and searched the page for booking air tickets. Fortunately, there were still tickets for the plane to G City today, and the plane departed at [-]:[-] in the evening.

Li Rong, Liu Susu and Xu Can were stunned by Ye Ying's words. Liu Susu was the first to react and said in disbelief, "This is ridiculous, how is it possible? Is there really the end of the world? Tomorrow? Ye Ying, you are reborn ? What the hell is rebirth?"

Xu Can and Li Rong also felt that this was too mysterious and unreal, and they didn't want to believe it at all. They all asked, "Ye Ying, do you have a fever? Are you possessed by something?"

While booking the air ticket and paying for it, Ye Ying said, "Why should I lie to you? Can I get any benefits? If you don't believe me, don't go to the stadium when something happens tomorrow, but up there...the teacher will say Let you go, there are so many people in the stadium, you can't escape if something happens, so don't go."

She repeated, a little incoherently.The computer page showed that the balance in her card was insufficient, and Ye Ying immediately said to Li Rong, "Rongrong, lend me 500 yuan, I don't have enough money to buy a plane ticket."

(End of this chapter)

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