Chapter 3

While turning on the computer, Li Rong asked Ye Ying, "Little Yinger, I still think this is incredible. But do you really want to go home? Tomorrow and the day after tomorrow are weekends, and you can make it back in time for next week when you go home Just for class. Is five hundred enough?"

Ye Ying nodded, "Aren't you all going back?" Li Rong and the others nodded hesitantly, and Ye Ying said, "If you don't go back, you will wait in the school for the army to rescue. There is only one large base in the north. Your parents survived, and will be rescued there when the time comes."

"Water and food are very important. You can store some in the dormitory tonight, and you must take it with you when you escape. Also, you are all girls, it is better to go with boys to be safer. Military uncles are very reliable and will definitely protect you. You guys. I will bring my mobile phone, call me if there is anything, but it may not be possible to get through tomorrow. "

In the whole dormitory, only Ye Ying is from the south, Liu Susu is from the local area, Xu Can is from the northeast, and Li Rong is from the northwest.

Ye Ying waited for Li Rong to transfer the money, and began to pack the things she wanted to take away.She was planning to fly directly to the city in two hours, but there was no guarantee that something unexpected would happen.

Driver's license, ID card, student ID card, wallet, power bank, mobile phone charger, mobile phone battery, and a set of long-sleeved and long-sleeved clothes. Ye Ying tried to bring as little as possible, and planned to buy more water and food later.

She looked at the money in her wallet, there were five hundred, enough for her to buy things later and take a taxi to the airport.Ye Ying packed up her things and carried her backpack.

The three of Li Rong watched Ye Ying busy up and down, and felt a little flustered for some reason. Seeing Ye Ying looking ready to leave, Liu Susu didn't know what to say, so she pointed to the computer and asked her, "Don't you bring it?"

Ye Ying shook her head, "It's too heavy."

"Little Yinger, if what you said is true, why didn't you notify more people? Or report it to the school?" Xu Can asked hesitantly.

"Even you don't believe me. If I tell other people who don't know me, they will believe me? Otherwise, I'll just go to CCTV and tell my experience loudly to the people of the whole country on the news network? Cancan, Do you find this realistic?"

Ye Ying glanced at her phone, it was 18:12, it was past six o'clock, and she couldn't procrastinate any longer. "Sorry, I should have stayed, but I have to go home and find my parents."

In the previous life, the end of the world came too suddenly.

(End of this chapter)

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