Chapter 203

The five of Ye Ying and the others stayed in the distance and watched from a distance. There was a group of people patrolling or guarding the gate of the base, and those who returned to the base were all authenticated before being allowed to enter.But it's just a manual inspection, so there will inevitably be omissions, and it's just that it's not clear what will happen after entering.

After finding the place, Ye Ying and the others became less anxious. They still don't know what's going on inside the base, and they don't even have a good idea on how to get in smoothly for the time being. It's better to observe for a while before making plans. .

Just to observe the situation, there is no need for all five people to stay here. Lin Qi asked Ye Ying to stay, and asked Chen Mo, Gu Shu, and Ye Kun to go to a distance to rest first. By the way, Ye Kun will settle the problem of lunch for a while, and then let them to replace.

Ye Kun is the only one who knows how to cook, and he is used to eating the meals he cooks from time to time, and just eating a little instant food is not enough to fill his stomach, and if he consumes too much, he will soon be hungry again; Gu Shu's space has various Gu Shu definitely couldn't stay on some materials, but Chen Mo arranged for him to rest first and come later to replace them, so Ye Kun had no way to resist and could only obey Lin Qi and his sister to stay.

Gu Shu left four guns for Lin Qi and Ye Ying, and left temporarily with Ye Kun and Chen Mo.

Lin Qi and Ye Ying crouched in the middle of the grass, covered by dense plants, and watched the movements at the gate of the base.In order to facilitate low-pitched communication, the two of them got very close, almost shoulder to shoulder, arms rubbing against arms.

Ye Ying stared at the door of the base intently, as if she was paying too much attention.

Lin Qilue was a little careless, although it was selfish to let Ye Ying stay, but it was indeed the best arrangement.Now that Ye Ying was so close to him, even if she had something to do, she couldn't help being distracted, just because the matter was really not that serious, nor was it that serious.

Just noticing Ye Ying's serious look, Lin Qi had to put away those petty thoughts.

Ye Ying, who didn't notice Lin Qi's small thoughts at all, looked at the team of people guarding the gate of the base.Those people are not very serious, they don't know what they are talking about when they get together, they are lazy, and they don't look like they are waiting in full force, they can be solved if they look good.

No one came out of the base until almost... Ye Ying took out her watch and looked at it. If the time was correct, it would be twelve o'clock at noon, and another team came out of the base.The team outside and the team inside handed over the task. The people who were guarding outside went into the base and the people who came out were guarding outside.

This is what it means to change the guard.

Completely seamless.

So they can't think about taking advantage of the shift change and no one is there to touch it quietly.This overturns the possibility of sneaking into the base, and the rest is nothing more than getting rid of the people outside and then sneaking in. That's all.

Ye Ying silently thought about it in her heart, and then she was about to communicate with Lin Qi, but she just turned her face away but didn't notice that the two of them were too close, and then she accidentally wiped Lin Qi's cheek with her mouth passed.

Totally, unconsciously, unexpectedly, intimately.

Ye Ying: "..." What just happened? !

Lin Qi: "..." Can you do it again? !

"What's wrong?" Lin Qi looked very calm, as if nothing had happened, and his voice was also very calm.He paid attention to the movement at the gate of the base from the corner of his eye, and spoke to Ye Ying in a very low voice.

(End of this chapter)

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