Chapter 204

Lin Qi was so calm, even Ye Ying, who had something on her mind, lost her mind.Anyway, it was just carelessness... Ye Ying silently comforted herself, and then hypnotized herself to ignore the feeling of palpitation just now.

She and Lin Qi shook their heads and just said, "Twelve o'clock." There was no more to say.

Lin Qi continued to nod his head calmly, and then stopped talking, but the moment just now echoed over and over again in his mind.Even if he wanted to restrain such thoughts, he didn't want his sperm to get into his head and only think about those things, but they just kept swaying back and forth in his mind.

After Lin Qi was absent-minded for almost an hour, that is, around [-]:[-] noon, another person came out of the base.

There were not too many people, so it was a bit noisy.But the uproar was not because of talking or teasing, but simply because those people were driven out by some people with guns and whips.

There were about thirty people in the middle, and they were driven out while being whipped by ten men in uniform with guns and whips around them.Those people in uniform didn't look like natives, and their native language was also very bad, and they could only say the words "go, hurry up" over and over again, accompanied by whipping again and again.

The thirty people in the middle were not just pale and emaciated, they were walking wobbly, almost on the verge of having no physical strength to support them in walking.

The whimpering sound came from some people's mouths, but it was only a very small sound.The clothes on them are very tattered, and some women even only have a few pieces of cloth hanging on their bodies, completely naked.

Even if there are a few pieces of cloth hanging, it is very unclean, and it can be seen that it is full of dirt.There is probably still blood from the wound on the body, and there is no way to clean it or change it, so they can only be left like this, at least there is some cloth to cover up.

Those people were beaten so much that they almost crawled out. The people next to them were giggling and seemed to be very happy.A woman in the crowd staggered and fell to the ground, and there was no one around to help her, so it was understandable... I couldn't take care of myself, how could I care about others...

The ten chasers stood on two sides, with five people on one side.One of the five people on the right stepped forward and kicked the man, still cursing something that Ye Ying could not understand.

The woman was lying on the ground, almost motionless. The man who kicked her dropped the gun to his shoulder. He reached out and grabbed the woman's hair while cursing and dragged her to kneel on the ground, but was forced to straighten up again.

The others continued to walk out numbly, almost turning a blind eye to such a scene.There was no trace of movement on their faces, and their eyes were not very clear, but they were definitely like a pool of stagnant water.This is obviously because I have seen too much, and even I have suffered a lot, and there is no way to arouse half sympathy at all.

(End of this chapter)

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