Chapter 205

Among these people, there are probably those who once stood up and resisted, but because they were suppressed or even encountered more vicious treatment, they gradually lost that kind of thinking, became obedient, became indifferent, became numb, and became muddled.

This is not the first time Ye Ying has seen such a situation where the weak are abused, and she herself knows that she must be calm and calm at this time and must not act recklessly... But she always feels that she cannot suppress this impulse.Especially when I saw that man with an unknowingly ugly face, stretching out his hand to grab the broken clothes on the woman's body and pinching her forced exposed breasts, I felt unspeakably disgusted.

Lin Qi sensed Ye Ying's emotional fluctuations, and quickly pressed her body to prevent her from doing anything impulsive.He stretched out his hand to block Ye Ying's line of sight, telling her not to look any further, and then helped her turn around so that she was no longer facing the gate of the base.

"Calm down first." Lin Qi still lowered his voice and said to Ye Ying, "If you take action now, more victims may not be able to be saved easily."

Lin Qi's hands were dry and warm, and when they touched Ye Ying's eyelids, she felt a warmth.And the sense of security brought by the wide palm, and Lin Qi's words, all made Ye Ying calm down slowly.

In fact, her rationality has been telling herself to be calm, but the impulse in her heart makes her unable to turn a blind eye.Even if she didn't see it, she had figured out what happened to these people.

Not just starving and squeezing, not just rape and obscenity, but also abuse at any time, and being killed at any time.Maybe when he was killed, he would be tortured to death in some way.Those who torment them take pleasure in doing so, without feeling in the slightest that they are wrong.

This kind of thing happened in the history of country Z. Ye Ying learned about it in history class, and learned about it after class, including online materials, including movies, but almost every time she couldn't bear to think deeply. read on.

What impressed her most was probably a scene in a movie where a group of foreign invaders arrived in a small village.They broke into a family, snatched the family's child, who was still an infant, and ground it alive with a stone mill to make a meat paste.

When I saw such a scene... It was obviously something that had been separated for a long time, and it was obviously something that I would never think of at ordinary times, but I remembered it inexplicably at this moment.

Ye Ying took several deep breaths, and finally calmed down a little.She turned her head to look at Lin Qi, wanting to tell him that she was fine, but only saw the worried look in his eyes.

For some reason, Ye Ying was immediately attracted by Lin Qi's eyes, as if she wanted to fall into his eyes.Even if this illusion was just for a moment, Ye Ying was relieved.

"It's okay... I don't know why I remembered the massacre back then... So I was a little emotional and almost did something wrong. Fortunately, you were here and stopped me in time."

Ye Ying lowered her voice and spoke to Lin Qi, with a slight panting feeling in her voice.

"Well, just calm down."

Lin Qi only said such a sentence, but he took Ye Ying's sentence out of context and remembered Ye Ying's sentence "Fortunately, you are here".

Later, that person simply dragged the woman out.Those people came out of the base and headed to the left. After they came out, Lin Qi and Ye Ying saw that there were still people behind them holding a hoe or something. It seemed that these people were going to farm.

(End of this chapter)

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