Chapter 206

Just at this time, Chen Mo and Ye Kun came to change their shifts. Lin Qi explained the current situation to them a little bit, and then asked them to stay and continue to observe. He and Ye Ying were going to see the civilians being taken there. Where did he go, and what did he go to do?

Because those people walked slowly, there were not enough people, so even if Ye Ying and Lin Qi wanted to keep quiet, they quickly found their tracks.

But it was far beyond Ye Ying's expectations, and even Lin Qi's expectations. It wasn't that these commoners were oppressed to farm as they thought. The reality was far more cruel and cruel than this. the terror of—

When they just found out where these people were, they were just about to find a hidden place to hide themselves so as not to be discovered.But when they didn't expect it, the civilians who were driven together were shot by a burst of machine guns, and they were all killed in an instant.

The incident happened so suddenly that neither Lin Qi nor Ye Ying could react immediately, and when they did, it was already too late...

All the civilians were shot back and forth many times, and those people finally stopped, probably because they thought that everyone was dead and there was no need to waste bullets.

Then, people who were holding hoes, shovels and other tools stepped forward, and abruptly dug these civilians with a hoe or shoveled them with a shovel.

It seems that there are still people moaning in pain, as small as mosquitoes, probably dying, and have no strength to resist, so they can only suffer such torture, life is worse than death.

But everyone else—those who carried guns and tools—seemed to be enjoying the current state, enjoying the inability of others to live and die, and the blood and violence of this moment.

In this way, they used the flesh and blood of one living person after another as fertilizer, mixed it into the soil, and then planted the food to keep them alive.

So cruel, so...dehumanizing...

Even if you haven't seen the end yet, it's enough for people to imagine what's going on.No wonder the food grown in this area grows so well, it doesn't look like it grew in a harsh environment.

At this moment, Ye Ying unconsciously reached out and grabbed Lin Qi's arm. She was worried that she would rush out when it was too late. She knew it was meaningless and could only rely on this way stop yourself.

Even if she has healing powers, it's impossible for her to live from the dead and give birth to bones.These people have already reached the point where the healing ability cannot be cured.

Lin Qi glanced at Ye Ying's hand, and then with one movement, he directly wrapped Ye Ying's hand in his palm, but felt that it was not enough, so he changed from wrapping Ye Ying's hand to clasping his fingers.

At this moment, their hands are firmly and tightly held together.

It was supposed to be a very ambiguous posture, but at this time, it made people feel no sweetness or throbbing.Both of them exerted so much force that their knuckles turned white. In this way, they vented their suppressed emotions.

Rao is as calm as Lin Qi at this moment, there is no way to be calm.

He thought he was going to take his mind back.

No matter which country those people are from, if they suffer such inhuman abuse, they should be saved.Not because of anything else, just because of my own conscience, just for my own peace of mind.

Even this kind of not enough...

(End of this chapter)

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