Chapter 208

After confirming that everyone was dead, Lin Qi and Ye Ying buried them all together.Only Wang Fang was buried alone. Because she knew her name, a wooden plaque was erected for her and her name was engraved on it.

It took almost half an hour to finish these things, but neither Lin Qi nor Ye Ying felt it was a waste.After finishing these things, they rushed to look for Gu Shu.

After grabbing two mouthfuls of food in a hurry, they took Gu Shu who had packed everything together to find Chen Mo and Ye Kun.

All the plans had to be broken because of Lin Qi and Ye Ying's actions. They had no choice but to force their way through.The longer time passes, the more people inside will find something is wrong.At least those who go out will only last three or four hours at most, and they must return to the base.

It has been almost an hour since those people came out, so for the people in the base, it is still a time when they are particularly light-hearted, and they still have a chance to take advantage of it now.

"Let's go in directly. When you meet one, you will quietly solve one and find a way to find the big shot inside... There will be at least one or a few powerful people in this base. After entering the base, we will split up and act according to circumstances. First of all, we must ensure our own safety, and secondly, we must do our best to save others."

After Lin Qi finished speaking, he finally breathed a sigh of relief. He circled the others and nodded to express that he had no opinion.

Even if they didn't see the situation at that time, Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Ye Kun could all imagine the bloodshed and horror at that time.They haven't been numb yet, they haven't reached the point of indifference, so they know that if they were there, they would probably be as angry and impulsive as Lin Qi and Ye Ying.

What's more, now is not the time to blame each other at all. They can obviously do more things, so why waste time in unnecessary places.

After deciding on a plan, Ye Ying and Lin Qi took the lead.Ye Ying and Lin Qi used their ice-type powers to silently eliminate the small group of people who were in charge of guarding the gate of the base without making any noise.

After finishing this group of people, they went to the base.After entering the cave, there was a dark road. In order not to cause unnecessary trouble, after they got used to the darkness, they walked inside without relying on any light source.

They arrived at a place similar to the entrance of steps, and those steps were going down.Is there anyone below who is not sure, there is not even one step but two in total, and they are all going down.

So, Ye Ying and the others split into two groups. What was very rare was that Ye Ying and Lin Qi made one group, and Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Ye Kun made one group. Ye Kun had no opinion on this.

Such a rare thing is probably the first time since the formation of the team.

After the five people divided into two groups, they went down the two steps respectively. Standing at that place, they could vaguely see the faint light from the steps.After waving to each other, the group of Ye Ying and Lin Qi and the group of Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Ye Kun all started to walk down the steps.

(End of this chapter)

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