Chapter 209

Ye Ying and Lin Qi walked down the steps carefully, taking every step cautiously.They all held guns tightly in their hands, ready to launch an attack immediately if something strange happened.

In order to make sure everything was safe, Ye Ying activated her spiritual abilities to monitor the people below.Although it is impossible to know how many people are below by this, it is possible to discover the existence of zombies and people with space abilities, which can prevent some unexpected situations.

The three people on the other side, Chen Mo walked in the front, Gu Shu was in the middle, and Ye Kun was in the back, also walked down the steps carefully.In fact, according to Ye Kun's thinking, the steps on the two sides might be connected, but Ye Kun was wrong.

They walked down the steps smoothly, but they didn't see Lin Qi and Ye Ying on the other side, and found that there was an earthen wall between the two directions separated by the steps.

It wasn't dark at all down here, just as they had vaguely seen earlier, it was still very bright, with lights everywhere.It's just that I don't know what method the people below rely on to generate electricity.

In front of their eyes, there are many civilians under the lights... at least they seem to be civilians.Just below here, in a place similar to the hall, one is sitting or lying next to the other, and no one is standing.

They were similar to the civilians brought out that Lin Qi and Ye Ying saw before, they were all skinny and dusty.There are men and women, old and young, the youngest looks like seven or eight years old.

Everyone's eyes were so numb that they couldn't see the slightest sparkle. They turned their eyeballs to look at Chen Mo and the three of them, but they only took a glance, and there was no reaction other than that.It seems that the presence or absence of these people has no effect on them.

See the reactions of these people.Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Ye Kun understood why there were no guards here, and there were no cameras or surveillance, but no one had the idea of ​​escaping.

These people are living like walking corpses, perhaps even worse than those unconscious zombies... Maybe for them, it doesn't make any difference whether they are alive or dead.

Across the lobby, there is a row of rooms at the end, probably built along mud walls.Every door is closed tightly, and the situation inside cannot be seen.

Because no one in the lobby made any abnormal sounds, no one in those rooms would notice Chen Mo's approach.

Gu Shu and the three of them didn't care about these people for the time being, and it was useless to care about them. They wouldn't run away even if they were asked to escape, not to mention things like resistance.What they have to deal with now should be the situation of those rooms.

After exchanging glances with each other, Gu Shu, Chen Mo, and Ye Kun lined up in the order they descended from the steps and walked towards the row of rooms along the "road" near the bottom of the wall where there were no civilians.Even though they were all standing outside the room, no matter whether it was the people in the lobby or inside the room, there was still no movement.

They stood outside the door of the room, and leaned over to listen to the movement in the room, in front of a large hall of people-how weird it looked.The people in the lobby, but no one cared about their actions, everyone didn't know where to look and didn't seem to look anywhere.

In the room, there seemed to be the sound of a man crying, and there seemed to be the sound of a woman crying, both of which were very weak, even more non-existent than the meowing of a kitten.

(End of this chapter)

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