Chapter 218

If its face wasn't rotten, if its face wasn't rotten, you couldn't see its expression, otherwise Ye Ying and the others would probably be able to see its calm face as if nothing had happened look.

Because this scene was too horrifying, the five of Ye Ying remained speechless collectively.Gu Shu finally couldn't hold his breath, cursed in a low voice, turned to look at Ye Ying, "What the hell is this?! How could it be so powerful? And why does it seem to be sticking to you?"

Ye Ying shrugged and spread her hands, "I want to know too." She really couldn't answer any of these three questions...or the last question has an answer that is not an answer...

"What should we do now?" Ye Kun immediately asked, after all, this mutated creature was attached to his sister, and he couldn't just ignore it. Now all he cares about is this.

When Ye Kun asked, everyone fell silent again.What to do, what to do, no one can tell.

Ye Ying, on the other hand, looked at the mutated creature again. After eating the mutated dog's head, it shrank back to Ye Ying's side, neither far nor close, but its eyes were only on her.

"Let's do this for now, let's get busy with other things first." In the end, Ye Ying said so.

But just as she spoke, two people objected immediately.

One is Ye Kun - Needless to say, the other is Lin Qi.

So Ye Kun, who said "no" at the same time as Lin Qi, immediately turned his head and glanced at Lin Qi. He didn't say anything, but that look seemed to say "what does my sister have to do with you"...

Lin Qi: "..." Of course your sister has a lot to do with me!
"This is too dangerous. What if it suddenly attacks us?" Lin Qi explained, of course, this is only part of the reason.

Ye Kun, who quickly looked away, also said, "Yes, we have no way to guarantee that it will not attack us now."

So Ye Ying's proposal was refuted mercilessly by both Lin Qi and Ye Kun.

Ye Ying could only hit the nail on the head and continued, "Is there any other way?"


"In this way, I will watch it more, and you will take on other tasks for the time being." Ye Ying said again.

At this time, Gu Shu said, "You don't have to feel guilty, it's not your fault that you provoke such a Bodhisattva, not to mention that at least it's not aggressive towards us now."

Even Chen Mo said, "Take it as a gamble, and bear the consequences together."

At such a time, the only reason why they could say such things was because Gu Shu and the others did not regard her as an outsider or irrelevant or unimportant person, otherwise they could have just left her behind.

"Or... I will go alone with it?"

Gu Shu and Chen Mo glanced at Ye Ying and were too lazy to talk to her. Lin Qi patted her on the head again and said, "Don't be stupid, keep working."

Ye Kun glanced at Lin Qi, patted his younger sister's head, and said, "If you want to leave, I won't let you go by yourself, don't you still have your brother and me?"

Ye Ying smiled, "Brother, let's do things first."

Ye Kun: "..."

Ye Ying and the others contacted the base on the seabed, and then stayed in this cave for another day. When the base sent people to pick up all the people, the five of them continued on their way to the depths of the mountains.

(End of this chapter)

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