Chapter 219

Ye Ying and the others were forced to take this unknown mutated creature with them. Because of the danger and insecurity of the other party, no matter how docile it behaved, no matter if it was Ye Ying, Lin Qi, or Ye Kun, they all remained vigilant. .

In such a world, people can't trust each other, let alone a mutant creature whose thoughts and behaviors you can't guess at all?

Even so, I have to admit that with this mutated creature following, Ye Ying and the others saved a lot of trouble on the way to the extinct volcano.

Often, the mutated animal has just made its head, and the mutated creature has already stepped forward to finish off the mutated animal, or when it encounters a zombie, it will also launch an attack.But it has a strong attack power, and it doesn't worry about getting hurt at all. Every time it makes a move, it is unscrupulous and extremely ruthless.

So in many cases, Ye Ying and the others didn't need to make a move at all or made a little move, and the troubles they encountered could be solved.

No matter how powerful the mutated animals or zombies are, they seem to be no match for it.

To some extent, this is of course a good thing for the five of Ye Ying, but on the other hand, the five of them have become even more dangerous.Perhaps because of the superiority in numbers, even if the mutated creature turned into an attacking state against them again, it wouldn't be able to kill them in seconds, but... it really wasn't much worse.

It's not that he didn't consider experimenting with other mutated animals, or it should be said that they have already taken action, but every time Ye Ying has not made a move, this mutated creature will use them in advance to mutate their sight Creatures are killed prematurely.This caused Ye Ying and the others to conduct a complete experiment, and they had no way of verifying whether the mutated animals would be stimulated back to their original state after becoming docile.

In fact, Ye Ying and the others did not fail to let one or two mutant animals be attacked by healing powers from under the mouth of this mutant creature. However, before they had time to make the next move, they were already attacked by this mutant creature. The mutated creature killed the one or two mutated animals with one blow.

If this kind of behavior could be described in one word, it would probably be... Competing for favor.In the harem, she is a treacherous concubine relying entirely on her own strength and domineering, but no one can do anything about it.

There were too many failures, Ye Ying and the others had no choice but to temporarily put away the idea of ​​the experiment, so as not to continue to do useless work.

As for getting rid of this mutant creature, it is not as easy as imagined.

Maybe it can't fly or swim, but they want to leave in a helicopter. It takes a lot of time just to get on the helicopter, and this time is even enough for this mutant creature to kill at least one of them. A person - if it directly resumed attacking them.

Returning to the sea still needs to wait until the mission is over, and it is naturally not so fast now, so it is obvious that at least at the moment, it is impossible to get rid of this mutant creature by this.Even in getting rid of it, they have to think about the scruples of getting rid of it, such as running directly from the sky.

In addition to these, no matter whether you are escaping to the sky or to the sea, one thing you can't ignore is that there are mutated birds in the sky, and there may be mutated sea creatures in the sea. What should we do if we encounter these? ?Each of them is a problem that must be carefully considered and cannot be dealt with casually.

(End of this chapter)

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