Chapter 220

The mutation of animals has made the already grim situation worse by several times.

In such a panic that had to be endured and vigilance that had to be maintained, Ye Ying and the others finally reached the place where there were only two hills left from the extinct volcano.At this time, it was already dark, and Ye Ying and the others found a cave to rest for the night.The mutated creature stayed at the entrance of the cave and did not come in.

Even so, it doesn't mean they can get it easily, and it's even more difficult than in the past.It happened that Chen Mo and Ye Kun were on duty tonight. The other three had rested, so they naturally kept quiet.It's just that around midnight, the mutated creature outside the cave started to howl inexplicably, instead of being quiet in the past.

It roared very loudly and very eagerly, as if it was in a hurry.Before Chen Mo and Ye Kun went out to check the situation, Ye Ying, Lin Qi and Gu Shu who were resting had already woken up.They quickly got up from the ground. At this time, they didn't care about other things. Instead of rushing to speak, they first paid attention to the movement outside, and then looked at Chen Mo and Ye Kun.

"I don't happened all of a sudden...we haven't had time to see what's going on..." Because he wasn't sure what was going on with this mutated creature, Ye Kun unconsciously lowered his voice even when talking to other people.

The others understood that the roar of the mutated creature outside did not stop, they exchanged opinions with each other—in fact, there was no difference in opinion, and they carried out their abilities and walked out of the cave together.

After Ye Ying and the others came out of the cave, the roar of the mutated animal became slightly lower, and it was not as eager as before, and gradually became smaller, lying on the ground, no more unnecessary movements, No more yelling.

Ye Ying, Lin Qi, Ye Kun, Gu Shu, and Chen Mo, who originally thought that something happened, such as a large wave of zombies or a large wave of mutated animals, came out of the cave and were completely astonished. Was stunned.

Under the dark sky, in the night, within their line of sight, there was no large wave of zombies, nor a large wave of mutated animals. There were just countless light clusters silently emitting new green light in the darkness in the distance. blinks occasionally.

Such a scene can't help but make people feel shocked and shocked. Apart from the current bad social situation, it still looks very beautiful.It's a pity that no one is in the mood to appreciate it.During the day, they hadn't seen anything yet, but in the middle of the night, such a scene even caused the mutant creature to yell to attract their attention.

More importantly, they noticed that these light groups that were originally in the distance were moving towards their cave at a slow speed at this moment.It wasn't very obvious at first, but after they observed a little more, they noticed this change that couldn't be ignored.

(End of this chapter)

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