Chapter 225

Ye Ying and Lin Qi walked back more than 200 meters, taking the mutated creature with them.

It wasn't until after getting away from the vines that Ye Ying and Lin Qi signaled for a moment that they activated the healing ability.

When the healing ability appeared in her palm, the mutated creature that they couldn't figure out became obviously a little excited.The eyeballs were staring at Ye Ying's palm tightly, but there was no tendency to rush forward arrogantly or have similar behaviors, but there was a feeling of longing.

Ye Ying used the healing power in her palm to transport out a small ball of healing power about the size of a fingernail, and then threw it on the ground. Both Ye Ying and Lin Qi took a step back consciously, while maintaining Alert and ready to attack.

As bad as expected, the unexpected situation of this mutated creature did not happen.It almost devoured the group of healing abilities that Ye Ying threw on the ground, and then looked up at Ye Ying, with a sobbing sound in its mouth, which seemed to be flattering.

From its eyes at this time, both Ye Ying and Lin Qi could see something similar to flattery, probably because Ye Ying's healing ability made it very fond of and satisfied.

Whether such a result is good or bad makes people feel unclear.

However, now that the answer has been obtained, other matters have to be discussed again.At least their current task should be to join Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Ye Kun.

They were not far away, mainly because they could see Gu Shu and the others at a glance, so taking advantage of this time to avoid the other three, Ye Ying simply exchanged another idea of ​​her own with Lin Qi.

"Should we think of a way to bring some of this light group back to study?"

Because all the information they have learned points to this direction, it is completely natural to think of this.Of course Lin Qi thought of this, maybe the secret of the entire apocalypse is in it, and the way to get out of the apocalypse is also in it. If he can take the light group back to study and successfully research something, it will be a great thing for human beings. It is very, very useful and even life-saving.

Then the problem comes...

When this large alien plant used something like a vine to roll into the extinct volcano for the first time, all the guns and weapons they used, including grenades, were ineffective.Secondly, consider the abilities. The ice, fire, and wind abilities they used at that time could not harm this alien plant at all.

The only thing left is Ye Ying's healing ability.

When I contacted the mutant creature under my nose, I dare not make a conclusion about what 100%, at least half of the possibility, it depends on Ye Ying's healing ability, and she has been able to use it with a certain amount of power. Offensive healing abilities.

what does this mean?
The current situation means that this matter has to be done completely by Ye Ying alone. More than 80.00% of the danger will be imposed on Ye Ying, not only that, not only facing danger, they may even be completely unable to help.To this day, Lin Qi still hasn't forgotten what happened to Ye Ying... who was almost wiped out by zombies.

When Ye Ying said these words, Lin Qi immediately thought about going far away, so the answer from Ye Ying and others was only two words: "No!"

With two simple words, Lin Qi's tone was extremely resolute, and could not be refuted.

(End of this chapter)

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