Chapter 226

Ye Ying didn't think too much at this time, so she just asked, "Why not? Wouldn't it be a good thing if I could take it back for research?" She is not a roundworm in Lin Qi's stomach, so she naturally didn't know that he had thought so far went.

At this time, Lin Qi also pulled back his thoughts of going away a little bit, and began to explain to Ye Ying why he refused to agree.

"Of course the idea is good, but the question now is whether we can do it."

His tone slowed down at this time, not like before, but the brows were still wrinkled, looking a little too serious.

"Although you didn't say it, I've already thought of what you're going to say next." He paused, and finally looked into Ye Ying's eyes, "That's very important, but you are also very important to us, so risky How can you let you do something that is likely to kill you?"

Lin Qi knew that it was wrong for him to say such words, and it didn't even fit his status as a soldier, but he had such thoughts in his heart.In his opinion, Ye Ying has paid a lot for so long, it can be said that it is a lot. For a commoner, such a young girl, she has done a lot so far.He did have selfishness, he did not deny it, and his selfishness made him unwilling and impossible to watch Ye Ying do such a risky thing.

This is of course not a good thing. He should have abided by the righteousness in his heart, and then believed that "the country is the first, and the people are the first", and then made selfless dedication.

But this is him, what he should do, never Ye Ying.

He can do this by himself, but he has no way to watch Ye Ying do it.

Ye Ying naturally didn't fully understand Lin Qi's thoughts.

But through Lin Qi's eyes and Lin Qi's expression, Ye Ying really felt something.

She was silent for a while, and then said, "I understand what you mean, including that I admit that I may not be willing to sacrifice my own life in exchange for the possibility of surviving those people I don't know at all, but this does not hinder I took the risk to make a decision like this."

"Of course I don't want to die, and even when I say this, it's not as easy as I show. But, you know better than me that someone has to do something, someone has to sacrifice—if sacrifice It’s unavoidable. At least we’re not doing something that is bound to die, aren’t we?”

She used the healing ability to conjure up a knife in her palm. The knife surface was glowing with green light, and their faces were faintly printed.After showing it to Lin Qi, Ye Ying withdrew the healing ability again, ignoring the more eager and flattering eyes of this mutated creature than before.

(End of this chapter)

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