Chapter 227

Ye Ying spoke again, and said to Lin Qi, "I have been secretly brewing and thinking about this for a while, and finally I can do it. Maybe I actually hoped that I couldn't do it, but I still did it. This probably means that I If you have to do it, it might not be difficult at all, do you remember that time before?"

"It was very strange at that time. We were somehow thrown out of the crater of the extinct volcano. We thought that there was no hope of surviving, and we would all fall there, but we were saved and came back alive. Based on this, we completely It can be guessed, in fact, will the healing ability and this supernatural plant be mutually reinforcing?"

"In addition, the ability of the healing department can heal the scratches and bites of zombies and ensure that humans will not be infected. Has this possibility become even greater? You see, zombies are flocking to this plant with abilities, and Zombies want to obliterate people with healing abilities like me, does that mean something?"

"One more thing, is the mutual attack of zombies and mutated animals a behavior caused by the zombies and mutated animals 'thinking' that the other party is robbing them? It's similar to fighting for resources?"

As Ye Ying talked, she felt that some things she didn't understand were connected together, and some messy things in her mind seemed to become much clearer.

If in the past she was able to connect these tiny things at critical moments, would she still have thought so thoroughly?Ye Ying felt...probably not, she thought about it again, and thought that maybe it was the effect of the psychic ability that made her brain work better than before.

Lin Qi listened to Ye Ying's words and thought for a while, so he remained silent for a while.

He has never carefully connected all these together, so it doesn't matter if there is a discovery like Ye Ying.

Hearing her sound analysis now, I feel suddenly enlightened.


"Wait a minute, the point now is that I don't want you to take this risk."

Lin Qi found that Ye Ying had completely taken away his previous thoughts, so after listening to Ye Ying's analysis, he regained his position in minutes!Firm and unwavering!

Ye Ying: "..." Why did you come back here again!
Seeing the expression on Ye Ying's face, Lin Qi couldn't help but smiled, and said, "Let's talk about this later, when the time comes, we'll discuss it together. Don't think of telling me directly without passing others, expecting me to be this villain. At least, you should be honest with your brother! Otherwise... well, if something happens to you, I guess I can follow you."

Is this a slack?Seeing the sudden smile on Lin Qi's face, Ye Ying finally felt a throbbing from the bottom of her heart at this moment.

An emotion that flows quietly and slowly like a river quietly exists in her heart, such an unfamiliar emotion.Although this is unfamiliar, it can still be easily understood by people.

Such thoughts, in the bottom of her heart, gradually became surging in the silence.

Then Ye Ying looked at Lin Qi, and just like him, she showed a smile and said, "Okay, we can discuss it later."

(End of this chapter)

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