Chapter 229

Other miscellaneous and fragmentary problems were quickly resolved, and in the end there was only one thing that Ye Ying raised.

Leaving Ye Kun aside, Gu Shu's reaction was exactly the same as Lin Qi's before, and he was completely unwilling to let go of Ye Ying's words.Chen Mo was also very cold and left a sentence of "disagree" and said no more, while Ye Kun wished to educate Ye Ying earnestly, but it was impossible in the current situation, so Ye Kun could only express himself disapproval.

In fact, it seems to be similar to Lin Qi's thinking. Gu Shu, Chen Mo and Ye Kun don't understand what Ye Ying said.But it's one thing to understand, but it's another thing to really agree with Ye Ying's approach.

Ye Ying also knew that persuasion would not have any effect at all, so what she sounded to be persuading was just like when she was analyzing with Lin Qi, explaining the current situation clearly.

"We finally came here. The most important thing is actually this one." Ye Ying said again, "In fact, if I really want to do it, you may not be able to stop me, right?"

Ye Ying was right, if she really wanted to do something, others might not be able to stop her.

It's not about crushing in terms of strength, but that Ye Ying is very familiar with their abilities, but they don't know much about Ye Ying's spiritual abilities.They only have a rough idea of ​​how far she can do it, but they don't know how detailed it is.Another more important point is that it is impossible for them to hit Ye Ying hard, and they are also afraid of hurting her.

However, Ye Ying's words failed to bluff the others.

Gu Shu quickly said, "Then what's wrong! Even if it's like this, it won't work!"

Ye Ying: "..."

"We are all ready, you are waiting on the helicopter... No, wait by the helicopter now, and then I will move faster, take the light ball, and let's run, okay? Just one minute, just try This time, if you don't succeed, don't try again, can you?"

It seemed like a long discussion, but in fact, it was only 5 minutes.In the end, with Ye Ying's method and conditions, several people finally let go and agreed to try just this one time.However, they did not agree with Ye Ying's other people waiting by the helicopter, and asked to stay with her or reject all plans.

Even if she felt helpless, Ye Ying had to agree to this one.After confirming this, at this time, Ye Ying brought up the same headache, "What about it?" Ye Ying pointed at the more obedient mutant creature.

Everyone: "..." Hehe, who knew!
As the saying goes, there must be a way for a car to reach the mountain. At this time when there is really no way, they really forced a way that can't be regarded as a way.

(End of this chapter)

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