Chapter 230

This has to be said to be due to Gu Shu's space, because of the existence of space, they were able to find such things as iron cages at this time and in such things.Ye Ying was too curious and shocked, so she asked Gu Shu, and Gu Shu answered her leisurely, "I used it to catch zombies."

Seems... quite reasonable?
For such a point that is actually not very important and needs to be paid attention to, after other people are surprised, they don't care much.

Ye Ying tried to coax the mutated creature into the cage. The cage was originally used to hold zombies. In order to prevent accidents, the design was very safe, and the material was absolutely beyond doubt.But in the face of powerful strength, these are nothing.

I don't know if it's because it has become more docile, but when Ye Ying coaxed and signaled it to get into the cage, it still entered the cage with a little hesitation.The moment it got in, Ye Ying closed the cage and fixed the iron door at the same time, the whole set of actions was done in one go.

Although the mutated creature got into the cage, they weren't sure if it would come out of the cage all at once... It's really because its strength is too strong. If it knows how to resist, it probably only needs one blow. The cage couldn't contain it at all.

After completing this matter, Gu Shu went to drive the helicopter out, Lin Qi, Ye Kun and Chen Mo were in charge of guarding the mutated creature in the cage, while Ye Ying started to prepare for the operation to take away the light group.

Gu Shu quickly got the helicopter ready. The sound of the propellers would undoubtedly attract many mutated animals and zombies, so the time Ye Ying could use it was even shorter.

Ye Ying was slightly sweating with the hand holding the magic knife of the healing department. She was standing next to the vine, and she could decide whether the matter was a success or a failure with a wave of her hand.In her other hand, there is a metal box that can be used to hold the light ball-if she can manage to get it.

When she heard the sound of the propeller, Ye Ying turned her wrist immediately, the wind swept away, and the blade directly slashed at the light ball hanging on the top of the vine.After one movement, the light ball was "cut" off smoothly, and at the same time, Ye Ying used the metal box in the other hand to catch it and even caught it smoothly.

Although other people don't know how nervous she is doing this series of seemingly simple things here, even she understands that others don't know, but it doesn't matter, these are not important, the important thing is——she done.

The metal box was covered in an instant, but at this moment, a new thinner vine suddenly grew on the vine, and it attacked in Ye Ying's direction.While retreating, Ye Ying resisted the attack with the knife in her hand, and cut off the newly sprouted branch with one smooth stroke.

(End of this chapter)

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