Chapter 231

Before any more troubles came, the others started to get on the helicopter, and Ye Ying also came towards that side... In fact, it was only five steps away, and it was only a blink of an eye to get on the helicopter.

During this period, she passed the iron cage, but after all, she distracted herself and glanced at the unknown mutant creature, said a word hastily, and then successfully boarded the helicopter.

The helicopter flew up, and the vines that were about to move couldn't hurt them anymore. This mutant creature that was too powerful to be abnormal was finally thrown off, but everyone didn't dare to breathe a sigh of relief. They just waited to finish the remaining things before returning to the bottom of the sea The base went.

After being nervous for too long, worrying for too long, being afraid for too long, and thinking too much, when they overlooked the extinct volcano and the whole picture of the alien plant from the helicopter and nothing happened, Ye Ying and the five of them There is still a feeling of being overwhelmed.

It wasn't until they were on the way back to the submarine base... Although they were in a helicopter, at this time, neither Ye Ying, Lin Qi, nor Ye Kun, Gu Shu, and Chen Mo dared to let go of their hearts. tone.

After being dependent on that mutated creature, they had to be more tense every day than before, and the pressure was naturally self-evident.

On the contrary, it is easy to relax now, and I am still a little uncomfortable.

It's just that it can't be completely relaxed. After all, if you encounter a large wave of mutant birds during the flight, it is still a very bad thing.

Fortunately, their luck was good, or because a few good things happened, it seemed that other things became smoother, probably because of a feeling similar to the coming of the times.

Based on this kind of timing, the five of them returned to the submarine base smoothly, bringing the light group and all the useful information collected along the way.

The tragedies on the ground seem to have nothing to do with this seabed. In the base on the seabed, everything is operating as usual.The base under the sea is full of peace and tranquility, and there is no depressing atmosphere, nor is there too much fear and caution.

For Ye Ying and the others, returning to the ground and the base on the seabed this time is undoubtedly another desperate escape.For them, they can deeply feel how difficult and cherished a peaceful and stable living environment is.

Reporting work has too much relationship with Ye Ying and the others every day. Lin Qi has always been in charge of this matter, so after returning to the submarine base to report and checking that there is no problem, Ye Ying and her brother Ye Kun went back to their residence together. place.

Father Ye, Mother Ye, and Xie Wei were not at home. Ye Ying and Ye Kun left a note on the table to indicate that they were back, lest Father Ye and his father would fall asleep when they saw the two of them who had suddenly returned. The look was taken aback.After that, both Ye Ying and Ye Kun took a comfortable bath, climbed into bed and went to catch up on sleep happily.

It is impossible to have a good rest on the ground, but returning to the base can at least give you a lot of peace of mind. Ye Ying slept from around four o'clock in the afternoon until the early morning of the next day.Xie Wei, who was in the same room as Ye Ying, was still sleeping. Ye Ying, who got off the bed, looked at her sleeping peacefully, probably because she had a good night's sleep and was in a good mood, so she smiled unconsciously.

(End of this chapter)

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